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  • Greve Dunlap posted an update a day ago

    Neonates acquire from their mothers maternal antibody (MatAb) which results in poor immune response to vaccination. We previously demonstrated that ginseng stem-leaf saponins in combination with selenium (GSe) had adjuvant effect on the immune response to an attenuated pseudorabies virus (aPrV) vaccine. The present study was to evaluate GSe for…[Read more]

  • Greve Dunlap posted an update 2 days ago

    Background to date, little attention has been given to gender differences in the health of migrants relative to native-born. In this study, we examine the health profile of the largest immigrant groups in metropolitan France, considering several health indicators and with a special interest in the gendered patterns. Methods The data originate from…[Read more]

  • Greve Dunlap posted an update 3 days ago

    INTRODUCTION AND OBJECTIVES Lack of consensus regarding how best to define treatment response hinders translation from trials to the clinic. These post hoc analyses examine three commonly used response criteria in six trials of lisdexamfetamine dimesylate (LDX) in children and adolescents with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).…[Read more]

  • Greve Dunlap posted an update 4 days ago

    OBJECTIVES To investigate the effectiveness of low dose secondary/tertiary prophylaxis in severe Hemophilia A children and determine improvements in their daily life. METHODS Thirty Hemophilia A children (≤ 12 y) with factor VIII less then 2% and less than two joint bleeds without inhibitors, were given prophylaxis with recombinant Fc fusion l…[Read more]

  • Greve Dunlap posted an update 5 days ago

    La medición de la conectividad cerebral, puede ser útil para aclarar los mecanismos neurofisiológicos de la cognición en los pacientes con diagnóstico de esquizofrenia consumidores de English, Spanish Objetivo Las características heterogéneas de familiares afectados (FA) de familiares con abuso de sustancias (FAS) han sido objeto…[Read more]

  • Greve Dunlap posted an update 6 days ago

    The solubility of quercetin and its thermal degradation was studied in CO2-expanded ethanol and ethyl lactate. An equipment setup was constructed that enabled the separation of the products of degradation while quantifying the solubility of quercetin. Three different conditions of temperature were analyzed (308, 323, and 343 K) at 10 MPa. Higher…[Read more]

  • Greve Dunlap posted an update 7 days ago

    Fifty-six percent reported negative margins, or costs that exceeded revenues. Seventeen percent of plans in contracts in the lowest quartile of gross margins were terminated in 2015, compared to under 5% of plans in the highest-margin contracts. CONCLUSIONS In 2014, MA contracts reported MLRs greater than the mandatory minimum of 85%. Gross…[Read more]

  • Greve Dunlap posted an update 8 days ago

    Late grade 2 and grade 3 genitourinary and gastrointestinal toxicity rates were 9 and 0.3%, and 0.3, and 0%, respectively. CONCLUSIONS The present protocol of carbon ion radiotherapy for prostate cancer provided low genitourinary and gastrointestinal toxicity with good biochemical control within 5 years. TRIAL REGISTRATION University Medical I…[Read more]

  • Greve Dunlap posted an update 9 days ago

    A common strategy for multi-protein expression is to link genes by self-cleaving 2A peptide sequences. Yet, little is known how the 2A peptide-derived N-terminal proline or adjacent non-native residues introduced during cDNA cloning affects protein stoichiometry. Polycistronic reprogramming constructs with altered KLF4 protein stoichiometry can…[Read more]

  • Greve Dunlap posted an update 11 days ago

    Precision health leverages information from various sources, including omics, lifestyle, environment, social media, medical records, and medical insurance claims to enable personalized care, prevent and predict illness, and precise treatments. It extensively uses sensing technologies (e.g., electronic health monitoring devices), computations…[Read more]

  • Greve Dunlap posted an update 12 days ago

    adder closure. The decreased risk of inguinal hernia after one year of follow-up may reflect anatomic stability that is reached following major reconstruction of the pelvis. While male bladder exstrophy patients are significantly more susceptible to inguinal hernias following CPRE, osteotomy and delayed bladder closure do not appear to be…[Read more]

  • Greve Dunlap became a registered member 12 days ago

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