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  • Vinter Singer posted an update 25 days ago

    Systemic sclerosis (SSc) is a clinically complex and challenging disease, that leads to skin fibrosis. Its most frequent complication is interstitial lung disease (ILD), which leads to a worse prognosis. In this situation, cyclophosphamide is considered the gold standard for its treatment, despite the controversies regarding its efficacy and…[Read more]

  • Vinter Singer posted an update a month ago

    In the cerebellum, intense α-syn signal was observed in the molecular layer, where it was significantly higher than in the nucleus or the medulla. In the brain, the α-syn was always detected both in the cytoplasm and the synapses. Additionally, the α-syn was widely expressed in primary organs. The α-syn signal was higher in the liver and small int…[Read more]

  • Vinter Singer posted an update a month ago

    A multivariable analysis confirmed that performance status, stage, and the SP142 assay were independent predictors of OS. In subgroup analysis, these results revealed more significant prognostic factors in ES than in limited-stage (LS). In patients with SCLC, especially those with ES, the expression of the SP142 assay is a significant independent…[Read more]

  • Vinter Singer posted an update a month ago

    However, the causality between road passenger transport and road transport CO2 emissions is bidirectional. Finally, comprehensive policy options like subsidizing environmental-friendly technologies, developing green transport infrastructure, and enacting decarbonizing regulations are suggested to address the G20 countries’ environmental…[Read more]

  • Vinter Singer posted an update a month ago

    of positive and negative susceptibility sources within the same volume element as well as its limitations is presented and validated quantitatively in both simulation and phantom experiments for the first time. learn more An application to multiple sclerosis lesions shows promising results for in vivo usability.We conducted a retrospective review…[Read more]

  • Vinter Singer posted an update a month ago

    29 [1.03, 1.63]; for internet use, ARR = 1.75 [1.19, 2.59]). Associations with gaming, texting/e-mailing, and TV/video watching among girls were mostly not significant. Associations for boys were mostly not significant. Girls who use digital media (especially social media and the internet) more hrs/day are more likely to have clinically sig…[Read more]

  • Vinter Singer posted an update a month ago

    Meanwhile, the computer simulation technology (CST) simulation confirms that the multifunctional aerogel can attenuate more electromagnetic energy in a practical environment. This work paves the way for rational design and fabrication of the next-generation electromagnetic wave absorbing materials.Osteoarthritis (OA) is a common joint disease that…[Read more]

  • Vinter Singer became a registered member a month ago

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