Amstrup Hopper posted an update a month ago
Acute nonfatiguing inspiratory muscle loading transiently increases diaphragm excitability and global inspiratory muscle strength and may improve subsequent exercise performance. We investigated the effect of acute expiratory muscle loading on expiratory muscle function and exercise tolerance in healthy men.
Ten males cycled at 90% of peak…[Read more]
Amstrup Hopper posted an update 2 months ago
The Pneumonia Severity Index improved from Class V (142) to Class II (67). Additional pulmonary indices (Brescia-COVID and SMART-COP) both decreased from 4 to 0. CRP normalized from 15.1 to 1.23. The patient reported substantial improvement in the Community-Acquired Pneumonia assessment tool. CONCLUSIONS This report has presented supportive PBMT…[Read more]
Amstrup Hopper posted an update 2 months ago
The Pneumonia Severity Index improved from Class V (142) to Class II (67). Additional pulmonary indices (Brescia-COVID and SMART-COP) both decreased from 4 to 0. CRP normalized from 15.1 to 1.23. The patient reported substantial improvement in the Community-Acquired Pneumonia assessment tool. CONCLUSIONS This report has presented supportive PBMT…[Read more]
Amstrup Hopper posted an update 2 months ago
We study fluctuations of interfaces in the Kardar-Parisi-Zhang (KPZ) universality class with curved initial conditions. By simulations of a cluster growth model and experiments with liquid-crystal turbulence, we determine the universal scaling functions that describe the height distribution and the spatial correlation of the interfaces growing…[Read more]
Amstrup Hopper posted an update 2 months ago
AL amyloidosis is characterized by a low-level expansion of an indolent, small plasma cell clone that produces amyloidogenic light chains. Amyloid aggregates or preceding intermediaries cause direct cell damage through their proteotoxicity, and amyloid deposits distort tissue architecture, and, eventually, lead to organ impairment. It is a rare,…[Read more]
Amstrup Hopper posted an update 2 months ago
IRD patients had peak sensitivity at the fovea. Machine learning could successfully predict foveal sensitivity (FS) results from segmented or un-segmented optical coherence tomography (OCT) input. Application of machine learning predictions to BCM at the fovea showed differences between predicted and measured sensitivities, thereby defining…[Read more]
Amstrup Hopper posted an update 2 months ago
There are various mechanisms of light emission in carbon nanotubes (CNTs), which give rise to a wide range of spectral characteristics that provide important information. Here we report suppression of incandescence via Auger recombination in suspended carbon nanotube pn-junctions generated from dual-gate CNT field-effect transistor (FET) devices.…[Read more]
Amstrup Hopper posted an update 2 months ago
Copper pollution poses a serious threat to the aquatic environment; however, in situ analytical methods for copper monitoring are still scarce. In the current study, Escherichia coli Rosetta was genetically modified to express OprF and ribB with promoter Pt7 and PcusC , respectively, which could synthesize porin and senses Cu2+ to produce…[Read more]
Amstrup Hopper posted an update 2 months ago
To investigate the characteristics of ground level ozone (O3) for Henan Province, the ambient air quality monitoring data of 2015 and 2016 were analyzed. The result showed that the 8 h-max-O3 concentrations displayed a distinct seasonality, where the maximum and minimum values, averaging 140.41, 54.19 μg/m3, occurred in summer and winter,…[Read more]
Amstrup Hopper posted an update 2 months ago
er compared to cemented THR in males, but that this may be prone to unmeasured confounding.
THR patients had no increased risk for cancer compared to the general population. We found, however, that receiving an uncemented THR was associated with a small increased risk for cancer compared to cemented THR in males, but that this may be prone to…[Read more]
Amstrup Hopper posted an update 2 months ago
er compared to cemented THR in males, but that this may be prone to unmeasured confounding.
THR patients had no increased risk for cancer compared to the general population. We found, however, that receiving an uncemented THR was associated with a small increased risk for cancer compared to cemented THR in males, but that this may be prone to…[Read more]
Amstrup Hopper posted an update 2 months ago
Our study demonstrates that MRS and DTI changes in QA-sheep are consistent with HD-like pathology shown in other model species and that the MR investigations can be performed in sheep using a clinically relevant human 3T MRI scanner.American Indian and Alaska Native (AI/AN) Peoples are among groups continuing to experience health disparities.…[Read more]