Franck Bendtsen posted an update 5 days ago
The present research unveils a more detailed look at a highly complex and insufficiently researched mechanism, thus supporting the complex interplay of SPLs and TGF-β in corneal scar tissue formation. Further research will define the efficacy of SPLs/TGF- signaling modulators as novel therapies for corneal fibrosis.
Visual impairment in…[Read more]
Franck Bendtsen posted an update 7 days ago
Our research uncovers the preferential binding patterns of RRM domains to G-quadruplex structures, which in turn influences the overall stability of the quadruplex.
To maintain quality standards in radiotherapy, motion platforms are implemented. Sadly, there is no platform that is built with two drive systems allowing simultaneous movement…[Read more]
Franck Bendtsen posted an update 8 days ago
The organization of these complexes is influenced by Leptin, which experiences a dramatic structural modification, resulting in the activation of its site III, thus enabling its interaction with the Ig domain of an adjacent LEP-R. Mutations tied to obesity result in the discontinuation of these interactions. Our comprehensive study presents a…[Read more]