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  • Monroe Dawson posted an update 4 days ago

    transcription and RNA replication, with other roles likely. To better understand how NTRs work, we performed the first comprehensive investigation of the importance of NTR nucleotides in the context of the entire nairovirus replication cycle. We identified both dispensable and critical NTR nucleotides, as well as highlighting the importance of 3’…[Read more]

  • Monroe Dawson posted an update 5 days ago

    A reverse genetics technology is an incredibly useful technique both for a proper understanding of different aspects of virus biology, and for the generation of cDNA-derived infectious viruses, which can act as safe and effective vaccines, and viral vectors. Rotaviruses (RVAs), especially human RVAs (HuRVAs), had been very refractory as to this…[Read more]

  • Monroe Dawson posted an update 6 days ago

    Intraovarian platelet-rich plasma (PRP) infusion was recently introduced in the context of addressing ovarian insufficiency. Reporting on its effectiveness prior to adopting in clinical routine practice is imperative. This study aims to provide pilot data regarding PRP application for ovarian rejuvenation. Four pilot studies were conducted on poor…[Read more]

  • Monroe Dawson posted an update 7 days ago

    RESULTS A total of 155 patients were included in the study and median follow-up period was 64 months. buy GNE-987 Treg counts were significantly higher among males, patients with high viral load (>350 copies/ml) and patients with virological failure to antiretroviral treatment(ART). Linear regression analysis showed a significant negative…[Read more]

  • Monroe Dawson posted an update 8 days ago

    This study aimed to identify the prevalence of health-risk behaviours (alcohol use, tobacco smoking and gambling) and the associations between health-risk behaviours and injuries among youth (15-24 years) and young adults (25-39 years). A multi-stage cluster sampling survey was conducted in Chiang Mai, Thailand. The associations between…[Read more]

  • Monroe Dawson posted an update 9 days ago

    COVID-19 mortality is strongly associated with the development of severe pneumonia and acute respiratory distress syndrome with the worst outcome resulting in cytokine release syndrome and multiorgan failure. It is becoming critically important to identify at the early stage of the infection those patients who are prone to develop the most adverse…[Read more]

  • Monroe Dawson posted an update 10 days ago

    Cystectomy with therapy-associated morbidity is a classical example of when surgery must be performed at specialised centers to reduce complications perioperatively as well as in follow-up.Background Early detection and efficient management of sepsis are important for improving health care quality, effectiveness, and costs. Due to its high cost…[Read more]

  • Monroe Dawson posted an update 11 days ago

    In addition, we also make Connectivity Map (CMap) profiles similarity analysis and KEGG enrichment analysis on drug targets. All these findings suggest that our approach is effective for accurate predicting novel therapeutic options for HCC and easily to be extended to other tumors. Bromoenol lactone mw Copyright © 2020 Yu, Xu and Gao.Problem…[Read more]

  • Monroe Dawson posted an update 13 days ago

    for CROF.What do the results of this study add? We show a surprising opposite trend for the risk of CROF in breast cancer patients with GSTA1 and CYP2C19 variants, while we did not show a significant risk for genetic variation in CYP3A4 (which had previously been shown to have a protective effect) or GSTP1.What are the implications of these…[Read more]

  • Monroe Dawson posted an update 13 days ago

    for CROF.What do the results of this study add? We show a surprising opposite trend for the risk of CROF in breast cancer patients with GSTA1 and CYP2C19 variants, while we did not show a significant risk for genetic variation in CYP3A4 (which had previously been shown to have a protective effect) or GSTP1.What are the implications of these…[Read more]

  • Monroe Dawson posted an update 14 days ago

    Therefore, one may wonder if what we have learned about the evolution of GC content and its implications in prokaryotes and eukaryotes also applies to viruses. In this contribution, we attempt to describe compositional properties of ∼ 10,000 viral species base composition (globally and according to Baltimore classification), correlations among n…[Read more]

  • Monroe Dawson became a registered member 15 days ago

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