Carlton Beach posted an update 17 hours ago
[This corrects the article DOI 10.3389/fbioe.2019.00180.].Due to the cost and complexity of biological experiments, many computational methods have been proposed to predict potential miRNA-disease associations by utilizing known miRNA-disease associations and other related information. However, there are some challenges for these computational…[Read more]
Carlton Beach posted an update 2 days ago
The crystal structures of two coordination compounds of N-benzoyl-glycine, viz. catena-poly[[[di-aqua-bis-(N-benzoyl-glycinato)cobalt(II)]-μ-aqua] dihydrate], [Co(C9H8NO3)2(H2O)3]·2H2O n , 1, and catena-poly[[[di-aqua-bis-(N-benzoyl-glycinato)nickel(II)]-μ-aqua] dihydrate], [Ni(C9H8NO3)2(H2O)3]·2H2O n , 2, are described. The structures of 1 and…[Read more]
Carlton Beach posted an update 3 days ago
952 in the training cohort, which was well validated in the internal validation cohort and external cohort with the AUCs of 0.856 and 0.817, respectively. Furthermore, the predictive score was identified as the only independent predictor for pCR. Patients with high discriminant score showed a significantly longer overall and relapse-free survival…[Read more]
Carlton Beach posted an update 3 days ago
Encrusted cystitis and pyelitis are a rare urinary tract infection characterized by mold-like calcification of collecting system. Here, we show a case of encrusted cystitis proceeding to pyelitis during a 1-month delay in diagnosis.
A 73-year-old man developed hematuria and pain during micturition while he was being treated for…[Read more]
Carlton Beach posted an update 5 days ago
In this review, we provide an overview of virulence mechanisms and determinants for which roles have been demonstrated in vivo, primarily in mouse models of infection.Treatments of bone metastases using radionuclides are now well established in oncology. It is also a field that continues to develop. This article reviews the evidence base that led…[Read more]
Carlton Beach posted an update 6 days ago
Sexual minority (SM) young adults have higher rates of substance use than heterosexuals, but little is known about daily use of multiple substances, which confer numerous health risks for this population. Using daily diary data from a smartphone-based study, we examined the associations between sexual identity (i.e., SM vs. heterosexual) and…[Read more]
Carlton Beach posted an update 7 days ago
The results imply that the superior activity of the CuO/MnO2 DP catalyst is associated with the proper adsorption of CO on partially reduced copper oxide as Cu(I)-CO and more surface oxygen species at the interfacial site of the catalyst.Reclamation and recycling of heavy metal ions can offer environmental protection and sustainable development.…[Read more]
Carlton Beach posted an update 8 days ago
This study aimed to evaluate the trends and changes in inequities in the completeness of the primary vaccination (CPV) scheduled before the first year of age among children aged 12-23months, from 2000 to 2017. Methods Data were extracted from five rounds of the provincial vaccination coverage survey (PVCS) in 2000, 2004, 2008, 2014 and 2017,…[Read more]
Carlton Beach posted an update 10 days ago
luid samples, and 7.32% of pleural fluid samples were positive for an infectious microorganism. For cytology/histopathology, 0.00% of BAL samples, 5.41% of pleural fluid samples, and 7.32% of tissue samples were positive for an underlying infective etiology. Conclusion For the study and analysis of the microbiological samples, a myriad of all…[Read more]