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  • Fuller Voss posted an update 4 hours ago

    In addition, T cells were found to be more susceptible for β-CD-modified CDMNP; however, polypseudorotaxane modification partially attenuated β-CD-induced T cell response in the implanted muscle. Our results suggested that CDMNP-PEG-CD nanoparticles or the decomposition components have potential to prime antigen-presenting cells and to break the m…[Read more]

  • Fuller Voss posted an update a day ago

    More importantly, this relationship could be explained via the mediated effects of awe, problem-focused coping, and social norm compliance. The present research emphasizes the non-negligible role of public health emergencies in modifying consumer behavior and the role of awe in explaining the psychological influence of public health emergencies.We…[Read more]

  • Fuller Voss posted an update 2 days ago

    While drug-loaded microparticles (MPs) can serve as drug reservoirs for sustained drug release and therapeutic effects, needle clogging by MPs poses a challenge for ocular drug delivery via injection. Two polymers commonly used in ophthalmic procedures-hyaluronic acid (HA) and methylcellulose (MC)-have been tested for their applicability for…[Read more]

  • Fuller Voss posted an update 3 days ago

    20% to 89.93% and from 0.739 to 0.816, respectively (both p values 0.05). In general, the clinical application value of CAD is promising, and its instrumental value for junior radiologists is significant.With the current pandemic, there is now the possibility of using technological tools, such as teleconsultation or remote consultation. In rural…[Read more]

  • Fuller Voss became a registered member 3 days ago

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