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  • Tennant Miles posted an update 6 hours ago

    Psidium guajava, a popular food and medicine dual purposes plant cultivated in tropical and subtropical regions, has been widely used as food crop and folk medicine, such as anti-diabetes agent, around the world. Triterpenoids have been considered as the major active ingredients of P. guajava. In the present study, a high-performance liquid…[Read more]

  • Tennant Miles posted an update a day ago

    In Pfdhps, codons 436, 437, 540 and 613 also expressed high mutation rates. The prevalence of triple mutations of Pfdhfr VIRNI and AIRNI was 12.1% and 84.5%, respectively. The prevalence of mutant haplotypes of Pfdhps SGEA, SGKA and AGEA was 37.9%, 25.9% and 12.1%, respectively. The prevalence of quadruple mutants IRN-A and IRN-G was 20.0% and…[Read more]

  • Tennant Miles posted an update 2 days ago

    Treatment of homo- and heterocyclic aromatic substrates with basic deuterium oxide under near- or supercritical conditions results in rapid base-catalyzed hydrogen-deuterium exchange (HDE) in aromatic and benzylic positions. It has been postulated that HDE follows a simple deprotonation-reprotonation mechanism, but little evidence has been…[Read more]

  • Tennant Miles posted an update 3 days ago

    5μg.mL-1) and linearity (r2≥0.999) with consistent recoveries and less than 5% RSD for all compounds. Hence, the proposed UPLC/PDA/QDa method is a simple, sensitive and comprehensive technique where identification and quantification can be done. It gives for complete impurity profile evaluation of BRIM/TIMO in the ophthalmic formulation during qu…[Read more]

  • Tennant Miles posted an update 4 days ago

    Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a chronic neurological condition affecting around 2.2 million people worldwide. The illness includes a range of symptoms, with fatigue considered to be one of the most disabling. This paper describes how a pragmatic and iterative approach, supported by usability and resonance testing, was used to build a minimum viable…[Read more]

  • Tennant Miles posted an update 5 days ago

    ent of synovial inflammation and tenosynovitis in juvenile idiopathic arthritis. Superb microvascular imaging has higher sensitivity compared with power Doppler ultrasound in depiction of increased vascularity.

    Mammary myofibroblastoma (MFB) is a rare benign stromal neoplasm; its imaging features are rarely reported and nonspecific. We…[Read more]

  • Tennant Miles posted an update 8 days ago

    not be accurate enough to stratify cleft-related outcomes.

    While the United States does not have a method for assessing the added therapeutic benefit of drugs, France, Canada, and Germany do. We examined the added therapeutic benefit of the most expensive drugs prescribed to Medicare Part D beneficiaries in the United States.

    We…[Read more]

  • Tennant Miles posted an update 10 days ago

    6% of patients reporting perfect health at baseline. ICCs for the index (0.80) and VAS (0.85) scores and weighted kappas for the domains (0.5-0.72) indicated adequate test-retest reliability. Correlations between the index/VAS scores and related domains of the SGRQ and 6MWT were as hypothesized (0.31-0.62), and the mean index/VAS scores were…[Read more]

  • Tennant Miles became a registered member 10 days ago

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