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  • Oneal Montoya posted an update 8 hours ago

    N3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (n-3 PUFAs) exert anti-inflammatory effects for the hypothalamus, but their extra-hypothalamic outcome lack documentation. We evaluated the central consequences of the substitution of saturated fatty acids with n-3 or n-6 PUFA in obesogenic diets.

    Twenty-one miniature pigs were fed

    obesogenic diets…[Read more]

  • Oneal Montoya posted an update a day ago

    That uncorrected vision problems are related to upper body musculoskeletal symptoms and headache, indicate that all children with these symptoms should have a full eye examination to promote health and academic performance.Genetic studies link adenosine triphosphate-binding cassette transporter C6 (ABCC6) mutations to pseudoxanthoma elasticum…[Read more]

  • Oneal Montoya posted an update 2 days ago

    Inherited genetic erythropoietic protoporphyria (EPP) is characterized by a photosensitive rash that emerges during infancy or early childhood. Acquired EPP can erupt at any age, even during adulthood, and is associated with hematological disorders. A third, less-studied type of EPP is also inherited but appears later in life (during…[Read more]

  • Oneal Montoya posted an update 2 days ago

    Inherited genetic erythropoietic protoporphyria (EPP) is characterized by a photosensitive rash that emerges during infancy or early childhood. Acquired EPP can erupt at any age, even during adulthood, and is associated with hematological disorders. A third, less-studied type of EPP is also inherited but appears later in life (during…[Read more]

  • Oneal Montoya posted an update 3 days ago

    It was also demonstrated that 7-hydroxyindirubin inhibits the nuclear translocation of YB-1 with or without phosphorylation at the Ser102 residue.

    Our previous study developed ATRQβ-001 vaccine, which targets peptide ATR001 from angiotensin Ⅱ (Ang Ⅱ) receptor type 1 (AT1R). The ATRQβ-001 vaccine could induce the production of anti-ATR001 monoc…[Read more]

  • Oneal Montoya posted an update 5 days ago

    We also observed irreversible damage to the ectoturbinate of the olfactory epithelium by measuring the impaired neuronal turnover ratio from the basal cells to the matured OSNs.

    Our results showed that partial and asymmetrical accumulation of Aβ coincided with physiologically and structurally damaged areas in the peripheral olfactory…[Read more]

  • Oneal Montoya became a registered member 5 days ago

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