Xu Kirkegaard posted an update 1 day, 4 hours ago
Repeatability of residual inhibition was assessed using mixed-effects ordinal regression including poststimulus time and repetitions as factors. Tinnitus chronicity was not associated with residual inhibition for subjects with hearing loss, while a statistically significant negative association between tinnitus chronicity and residual inhibition…[Read more]
Xu Kirkegaard posted an update 1 day, 4 hours ago
Repeatability of residual inhibition was assessed using mixed-effects ordinal regression including poststimulus time and repetitions as factors. Tinnitus chronicity was not associated with residual inhibition for subjects with hearing loss, while a statistically significant negative association between tinnitus chronicity and residual inhibition…[Read more]
Xu Kirkegaard posted an update 2 days, 4 hours ago
A gamma variate function was fit to the data to describe the bolus dynamics.
Carotid compression for 10 s reduces the number of embolic articles entering the carotid arteries by over 75%. A compression duration of 15-20s does not result in greater particle reduction than one of 10s.
Brief compression of the common carotid arteries…[Read more]
Xu Kirkegaard posted an update 2 days, 12 hours ago
Among CIS and RRMS groups, multivariate hierarchical regressions revealed that higher concentrations of plasma tetrahydrodeoxycorticosterone (THDOC) may predict disability worsening.
RRMS and CIS patients exhibited differing concentrations of both NASs and AAs in plasma while both THDOC and pregnanolone might serve as biomarkers of…[Read more]