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  • Barton Sherrill posted an update 25 days ago

    Objective. The current paper presents an interesting case of facial reconstruction after the excision of a giant basal cell carcinoma located in the orbitofrontal region. Methods. Performing the excision while securing the appropriate oncologic safety margin has determined the appearance of a soft tissue defect that required a complex…[Read more]

  • Barton Sherrill posted an update a month ago

    01). After NSBB, RPP dropped below the threshold of renal flow autoregulation in 11 of the 20 (55%) RA patients, including the 4 fulfilling HRS-AKI criteria. Conclusion Renal perfusion and function depend critically of systolic function and sympathetic hyperactivation in RA. NSBB blunt the sympathetic overdrive on cardiac function, hamper cardiac…[Read more]

  • Barton Sherrill posted an update a month ago

    CONCLUSION The heterozygous variant of the HEPACAM gene probably underlies the MLC2B in this child. The variant has derived from her asymptomatic mother, which suggested incomplete penetrance of the MLC2B.OBJECTIVE To explore the genetic basis of a proband with distinctive facial features, global developmental delay, seizures and hypoplasia of…[Read more]

  • Barton Sherrill posted an update a month ago

    Coronavirus disease 2019 has changed the way the world is navigated and has had a massive impact on health care. Depending on where you are in the world, the guidance on dealing with potential infected patients is varied. With the high risk of a second wave, it is important to learn from initial responses to plan for the future. With proper…[Read more]

  • Barton Sherrill posted an update a month ago

    R158H mutation reverses the CMTX6 phenotype. Patient-derived motor neurons (MNCMTX6) show increased phosphorylation of the PDC, energy metabolism defects and mitochondrial abnormalities, including reduced velocity of trafficking mitochondria in the affected axons. Treatment of the MNCMTX6 with a PDK inhibitor reverses PDC hyperphosphorylation and…[Read more]

  • Barton Sherrill posted an update a month ago

    Furthermore, the rs970547 allele and genotype frequencies in male ACLI patients were different from the control group (P less then .05) the frequencies of the rs970547 A and G alleles in the patients were 71.9% and 28.1%, respectively, and in the control group were 58.8% and 41.2%, respectively. The frequencies of AA, AG, and GG genotypes in the…[Read more]

  • Barton Sherrill posted an update a month ago

    BACKGROUND Lesions posterior to the odontoid process pose a surgical challenge. Posterolateral approaches to this region are considerably risky for the spinal cord. Transoral approaches are limited in terms of exposure and can also carry morbidity. METHODS We describe a focused endoscopic endonasal approach (EEA) for removing an osteochondroma…[Read more]

  • Barton Sherrill became a registered member a month ago

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