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  • Harrell Franks posted an update 10 hours ago

    Evidence-based lifestyle interventions tailored to young adults with serious mental illness are needed to reduce their cardiometabolic risk. This study evaluated the effectiveness of a group lifestyle intervention (“PeerFIT”) enhanced with mobile health (mHealth) compared with one-on-one mHealth coaching (basic education supported by activity…[Read more]

  • Harrell Franks posted an update a day ago

    The phenomenon of drag reduction (known as the “Toms effect”) has many industrial and engineering applications, but a definitive molecular-level theory has not yet been constructed. This is due both to the multiscale nature of complex fluids and to the difficulty of directly observing self-assembled structures in nonequilibrium states. On the…[Read more]

  • Harrell Franks posted an update 3 days ago

    Recent research shows that major levels of psychological distress correlate with higher pain and reduced function in patients with shoulder and rotator cuff pathology. A systematic review updating a review published in 2016 was conducted to determine the degree of consistency and the strength of association between psychosocial factors and…[Read more]

  • Harrell Franks posted an update 4 days ago

    The polyoxometalates with designable size and redox property enable the flexible regulation of interaction between the nanotubes and the clusters, thus tuning the diameter of sorted s-SWCNTs. The present sorting strategy is simple and should be generally feasible in other SWCNT sorting techniques, bringing both great easiness in dispersant design…[Read more]

  • Harrell Franks posted an update 5 days ago

    Taking measures on the nutritional status of mothers will accordingly resolve the nutritional status of their children. Therefore, the focus of policymakers should be on the influential significant factors which were found across all quantile levels to plan and develop strategies to enhance the normal or healthy weight status of under-five…[Read more]

  • Harrell Franks posted an update 5 days ago

    Taking measures on the nutritional status of mothers will accordingly resolve the nutritional status of their children. Therefore, the focus of policymakers should be on the influential significant factors which were found across all quantile levels to plan and develop strategies to enhance the normal or healthy weight status of under-five…[Read more]

  • Harrell Franks became a registered member 5 days ago

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