Willoughby Buch posted an update a day ago
in English, Russian Цель исследования. Изучение приверженности практикующих врачей-неврологов и специалистов по головной боли (ГБ) протоколам диагностики и лечения хронической ГБ и хронической мигрени (ХМ). Материал и методы. Опрошены 634 невролога из всех регионов Российской Федерации. Средний возраст участников составил 40,7±8,5 года, ср…[Read more]
Willoughby Buch posted an update 2 days ago
Reconstructions of the global mean annual temperature evolution during the Holocene yield conflicting results. One temperature reconstruction shows global cooling during the late Holocene. The other reconstruction reveals global warming. Here we show that both a global warming mode and a cooling mode emerge when performing a spatio-temporal…[Read more]
Willoughby Buch posted an update 3 days ago
We estimate individual advantages and disadvantages regarding dynamic range and strength of each promoter, also in comparison with well-established constitutive systems. We observed a delicate balance between transcription factor toxicity and sufficient expression to obtain a dose-dependent response to the inducer. In summary, we expand the…[Read more]
Willoughby Buch posted an update 4 days ago
of introductions.
The surgical treatment options for low rectal cancer patients include the Abdominoperineal Resection and the sphincter saving Low Anterior Resection. There is growing evidence towards better outcomes for patients being treated with a Low Anterior Resection compared to an Abdominoperineal Resection.
The aim of this…[Read more]
Willoughby Buch posted an update 5 days ago
The aim of this study was to analyze the survival predictions obtained from a web platform allowing for computation of the so-called Bone Metastases Ensemble Trees for Survival (BMETS). This prediction model is based on a machine learning approach and considers 27 prognostic covariates.
This was a retrospective single-institution analysis…[Read more]
Willoughby Buch posted an update 6 days ago
676). Results were moderate to good for self-reported number of breaks/hour while watching TV (ρ range for different periods 0.482 to 0.536) and moderate for self-reported number of breaks/hour in total screen time (ρ range for different periods 0.377 to 0.468). Poor concurrent validity was found for self-reported number of breaks/hour during o…[Read more]
Willoughby Buch posted an update 7 days ago
We show that these bioprinted spheroids, composed of both acinar and ductal cells, can replicate the initial stages of PDAC development. This bioprinted miniaturized spheroid-based array model should prove useful for the study of the internal and external factors that contribute to the formation of precursor PDAC lesions and to cancer progression,…[Read more]
Willoughby Buch posted an update 8 days ago
fr. whereas for Fe, it was 9×10-2 at. fr. in very good agreement with experimental data. It indicates that liquid Fe could be a prospective solvent for GaN crystallization from metallic solutions.This work presents the new concept of designing ion-selective electrodes based on the use of new composite materials consisting of carbon nanomaterials…[Read more]
Willoughby Buch posted an update 9 days ago
The purpose of this cross-sectional study was to investigate the post-traumatic symptoms and psychological well-being among internally displaced (ID) adolescents in the early phase of the conflict in the southeast part of Turkey and clarify the effect of psychopathology on PTSD scores depends on gender. With the help of the results of our study,…[Read more]
Willoughby Buch posted an update 9 days ago
The purpose of this cross-sectional study was to investigate the post-traumatic symptoms and psychological well-being among internally displaced (ID) adolescents in the early phase of the conflict in the southeast part of Turkey and clarify the effect of psychopathology on PTSD scores depends on gender. With the help of the results of our study,…[Read more]
Willoughby Buch posted an update 10 days ago
Pancreatic cancer is a tumor with a high degree of malignancy, morbidity, and mortality. Immunotherapy is another important treatment for pancreatic cancer in addition to surgery and chemotherapy, but its application in pancreatic cancer is very limited, which is related to the unique biological behavior of pancreatic cancer and the tumor…[Read more]
Willoughby Buch posted an update 12 days ago
Electrical measurement of the oscillation frequency as a function of pH reveals that the oscillation frequency can be used as a sensitive and reliable output parameter in FET-based biosensors for the detection of chemical and biological species. We confirmed that the oscillation frequency is directly correlated with the threshold voltage. For…[Read more]