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  • Hunter Munoz posted an update 10 days ago

    The measurement of the energy spectrum of cosmic ray helium nuclei from 70 GeV to 80 TeV using 4.5 years of data recorded by the Dark Matter Particle Explorer (DAMPE) is reported in this work. A hardening of the spectrum is observed at an energy of about 1.3 TeV, similar to previous observations. In addition, a spectral softening at about 34 TeV is revealed for the first time with large statistics and well controlled systematic uncertainties, with an overall significance of 4.3σ. The DAMPE spectral measurements of both cosmic protons and helium nuclei suggest a particle charge dependent softening energy, although with current uncertainties a dependence on the number of nucleons cannot be ruled out.Ferroelectric α-GeTe is unveiled to exhibit an intriguing multiple nontrivial topology of the electronic band structure due to the existence of triple-point and type-II Weyl fermions, which goes well beyond the giant Rashba spin splitting controlled by external fields as previously reported. Using spin- and angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy combined with ab initio density functional theory, the unique spin texture around the triple point caused by the crossing of one spin-degenerate and two spin-split bands along the ferroelectric crystal axis is derived. This consistently reveals spin winding numbers that are coupled with time-reversal symmetry and Lorentz invariance, which are found to be equal for both triple-point pairs in the Brillouin zone. The rich manifold of effects opens up promising perspectives for studying nontrivial phenomena and multicomponent fermions in condensed matter systems.We experimentally show that biological molecular motor F_1-ATPase (F_1) implements an optimal rectification mechanism. The rectification mechanism hardly suppresses the synthesis of adenosine triphosphate by F_1, which is F_1’s physiological role, while inhibiting the unfavorable hydrolysis of adenosine triphosphate. This optimal rectification contrasts highly with that of a simple ratchet model, where the inhibition of the backward current is inevitably accompanied by the suppression of the forward current. Our detailed analysis of single-molecule trajectories demonstrates a novel but simple rectification mechanism of F_1 with parallel landscapes and asymmetric transition rates.The low-energy excitations of graphene are relativistic massless Dirac fermions with opposite chiralities at valleys K and K^’. Breaking the chiral symmetry could lead to gap opening in analogy to dynamical mass generation in particle physics. Here we report direct experimental evidences of chiral symmetry breaking (CSB) from both microscopic and spectroscopic measurements in a Li-intercalated graphene. The CSB is evidenced by gap opening at the Dirac point, Kekulé-O type modulation, and chirality mixing near the gap edge. Our work opens up opportunities for investigating CSB related physics in a Kekulé-ordered graphene.We introduce the concept of a Floquet gauge pump whereby a dynamically engineered Floquet Hamiltonian is employed to reveal the inherent degeneracy of the ground state in interacting systems. We demonstrate this concept in a one-dimensional XY model with periodically driven couplings and transverse field. In the high-frequency limit, we obtain the Floquet Hamiltonian consisting of the static XY and dynamically generated Dzyaloshinsky-Moriya interaction (DMI) terms. The dynamically generated magnetization current depends on the phases of complex coupling terms, with the XY interaction as the real and DMI as the imaginary part. As these phases are cycled, the current reveals the ground-state degeneracies that distinguish the ordered and disordered phases. We discuss experimental requirements needed to realize the Floquet gauge pump in a synthetic quantum spin system of interacting trapped ions.We show that a simple one-dimensional model of spinless fermions with pair hopping displays a phase in which a Luttinger liquid of paired fermions coexists with a Luttinger liquid of unpaired fermions. ML792 mouse Our results are based on extensive numerical density-matrix renormalization-group calculations and are supported by a two-fluid model that captures the essence of the coexistence region.Melts of multiarm stars of 1,4-polybutadiene (dendrimer arborescent hybrids) with very high branching functionality (f) and small arm molar mass behave as jammed colloids and show distinct layers of segmental mobility. Three mobility layers were identified, comprising outer, intermediate, and near-core segments, all displaying a Vogel-Fulcher-Tammann temperature dependence. The respective glass temperatures increase as f^1/2. Our findings pave the way for further progress in this field by reconsidering previous theoretical treatments based on a single friction coefficient in hybrid nanoparticles such as densely grafted stars.By using Floquet driving protocols and interlacing them with a judicious reservoir emission engineering, we achieve extreme nonreciprocal thermal radiation. We show that the latter is rooted in an interplay between a direct radiation process occurring due to temperature bias between two thermal baths and the modulation process that is responsible for pumped radiation heat. Our theoretical results are confirmed via time-domain simulations with photonic and rf circuits.We derive closed formulas for the first examples of nonalgebraic, elliptic “leading singularities” in planar, maximally supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory and show that they are Yangian invariant.Axionlike particles (ALPs) provide a promising direction in the search for new physics, while a wide range of models incorporate ALPs. We point out that future neutrino experiments, such as DUNE, possess competitive sensitivity to ALP signals. The high-intensity proton beam impinging on a target can not only produce copious amounts of neutrinos, but also cascade photons that are created from charged particle showers stopping in the target. Therefore, ALPs interacting with photons can be produced (often energetically) with high intensity via the Primakoff effect and then leave their signatures at the near detector through the inverse Primakoff scattering or decays to a photon pair. Moreover, the high-capability near detectors allow for discrimination between ALP signals and potential backgrounds, improving the signal sensitivity further. We demonstrate that a DUNE-like detector can explore a wide range of parameter space in ALP-photon coupling g_aγ vs ALP mass m_a, including some regions unconstrained by existing bounds; the “cosmological triangle” will be fully explored and the sensitivity limits would reach up to m_a∼3-4  GeV and down to g_aγ∼10^-8  GeV^-1.

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