Roman Krause posted an update 22 hours, 40 minutes ago
product of the carA gene is necessary for δ-toxin production in USA300. This work lays a foundation for future work on understanding toxin regulation in S. aureus and prediction of phenotypes from genomic sequences. ©2020 Su et al.Background Human papilloma virus (HPV) infection is one of the most common sexually transmitted infections among w…[Read more]
Roman Krause posted an update 1 day, 22 hours ago
Conclusion In comparison with studies reported elsewhere, the maximum levels of lead in our study were greater. A potential explanation for the lack of correlation with childhood asthma is the large mass of the particles, preventing them from reaching the lower airways. Nevertheless, special attention should be paid to reducing high levels of…[Read more]
Roman Krause posted an update 2 days, 20 hours ago
A consensus Rok7B7-binding site, 5′-TTKAMKHSTTSAV-3′, was identified within aveA1p, olmRIp, and xylFp, which allowed prediction of the Rok7B7 regulon and confirmation of 11 additional targets involved in development, secondary metabolism, glucose uptake, and primary metabolic processes. Our findings will facilitate methods for strain improvement,…[Read more]