Cowan Slaughter posted an update 2 days ago
We also confirmed such mechano-immune coupling of tissue stiffness and inflammatory cytokines in modulating MSC engraftment in the rat heart after MI in vivo. Our study provides new mechanistic insights of mechanical-inflammation coupling to improve MSC mechanosensing and adhesion, potentially benefiting MSC engraftment and its clinical therapy…[Read more]
Cowan Slaughter posted an update 4 days ago
Clostridium botulinum poses a serious threat to food safety and public health by producing potent neurotoxin during its vegetative growth and causing life-threatening neuroparalysis, botulism. While high temperature can be utilized to eliminate C. botulinum spores and the neurotoxin, non-thermal elimination of newly germinated C. botulinum cells…[Read more]
Cowan Slaughter posted an update 5 days ago
MD-PhD programs confer degrees that empower medical doctors with in-depth scientific skills to contribute to biomedical research and academic medicine, alongside clinical practice. Whilst the career options and research opportunities related to graduates following these programs in the US are well documented, little is known about their European…[Read more]
Cowan Slaughter posted an update 6 days ago
The high-accuracy, low-profile and reduced energy requirements make the distance ranger suitable for low-power vision corrective applications such as smart contact lenses.X-ray phase contrast imaging generates contrast from refraction of X-rays unlike absorption in conventional radiology. That enhances visualization of soft tissues, often at a…[Read more]
Cowan Slaughter posted an update 7 days ago
To date, smoking and silica exposure have been reproducibly demonstrated to trigger the emergence of RA. However, many other environmental factors have been studied, mostly with a case-control design. Results were conflicting and studies rarely considered potential gene-environment interactions. There is a need for large scale prospective studies…[Read more]