Barnett Petty posted an update a day ago
The authors also briefly discuss the use of hemodynamic monitoring in goal-directed fluid therapy algorithms in Enhanced Recovery After Surgery programs.
To assess the agreement of the diameter of the cricoid cartilage by computed tomography and ultrasonography and to compare the accuracy of the left double-lumen tubes (DLTs) and right DLTs…[Read more]
Barnett Petty posted an update 3 days ago
The application of 3D printing technology for generating tablets is attracting the attention of the pharmaceutical industry following approval of a 3D printed tablet (Spritam) by the US Food and Drug Administration. Here we focused on hollow-type suppository formulations typically prepared as suppository shells by pharmacists in hospitals. We used…[Read more]
Barnett Petty posted an update 4 days ago
In general, more PVP conditioned a larger discrepancy of the internal vs. external porosity. When the external porosity of the LPP formulation (15% of PVP during the manufacturing process) was less than 3%, the burst release of the embedded drug was significantly reduced compared to LPPs prepared by a “conventional” emulsification solvent…[Read more]
Barnett Petty posted an update 5 days ago
In total, 5 different mutations at four codons are reported, including one isolate showing 3 of them which has never been reported in South Africa. In addition, we report 4 different spoligo patterns, with 34 isolates known and 8 unknown spoligotype international types. From the known clades, 5 (11.9%) isolates were identified as Bov_4 caprae…[Read more]
Barnett Petty posted an update 6 days ago
Periodontitis is a chronic inflammatory disease that results in the destruction of periodontal soft tissue and the resorption of alveolar bone. Evidence indicates that in diabetic patients, hyperglycemia suppresses periodontal ligament stem cell (PDLSC) functions and leads to difficulties in periodontal repair. The present study aimed to explore…[Read more]
Barnett Petty posted an update 7 days ago
1-0.25 and the least specific wear rates were found to be 3.0 × 10-6 mm3/N·m for flat and 2.5 × 10-6 mm3/N·m for cylinder. As compared to MoS2 coating, the COF and specific wear rates decreased with N additions. The COF was in the range of 0.05-0.1 for Mo-S-N coatings, while coating versus coating displayed the lowest specific wear rates (8.6 × 1…[Read more]
Barnett Petty posted an update 8 days ago
Furthermore, the rhizomicrobiome communities (bacteria and fungi), investigated through NGS, highlighted how α diversity increased in all treatments compared to the untreated N12 saplings. Soil compost amendment, as well as Zn pollution, strongly modified the bacterial rhizomicrobiome structure. Conversely, the variation of the fungal…[Read more]
Barnett Petty posted an update 9 days ago
Furthermore, we detected the release of PGE2, PGF2α, and PGI2 in the carotid arteries of SHR and WKY, both at baseline and in response to UTP. UTP administration also increased TXA2 levels in WKY but not SHR. Overall, our results suggest that UTP-induced relaxation in carotid arteries is impaired in SHR perhaps due to impaired P2Y2 receptor…[Read more]