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  • Gonzalez Bass posted an update 9 hours ago

    08 and ΔG

    = -87.62 kcal/mol) than forNPY1R (ΔG

    = -23.11 and ΔG

    = -50.56 kcal/mol).

    Based on the constructed models, the binding conformations obtained from docking and MD simulation for both the PYY-NPY1R and PYY-NPY4R complexes provide a detailed map of possible interactions. The calculated binding energies show a higher af…[Read more]

  • Gonzalez Bass posted an update a day ago

    there may be age-related differences in the impact of weight change on health. This study systematically reviewed the evidence on the relationship between weight change and all-cause mortality in adults aged 65years and older.

    MEDLINE, EMBASE and CINAHL were searched from inception to 11 June 2020, PROSPERO CRD 42019142268. We included…[Read more]

  • Gonzalez Bass posted an update 3 days ago

    Psychiatric illnesses are a major public health concern due to their prevalence and heterogeneity of symptom presentation resulting from a lack of efficacious treatments. Although dysregulated dopamine (DA) signaling has been observed in a myriad of psychiatric conditions, different pathophysiological mechanisms have been implicated which impede…[Read more]

  • Gonzalez Bass posted an update 4 days ago

    Some therapy may require more precise measurements, however, the advantages of portability and accessibility to patients may outweigh the limitation of reduced precision.This study described the prevalence of suicidal behaviors and depression among adolescents in Hanoi, Vietnam, and examines the associated factors. In 2019, a school-based survey…[Read more]

  • Gonzalez Bass posted an update 5 days ago

    This thematic review was part of a bigger literature review into the effects of short-term urinary catheters on patients who are discharged home from an acute hospital. Atogepant This integrated review examined the risks associated with short-term urinary catheters. The MEDLINE, British Nursing Index and CINAHL databases were searched for studies…[Read more]

  • Gonzalez Bass posted an update 6 days ago

    At pre- and post-treatment, CON showed no acute changes in blood ketones after a single-dosing while KET demonstrated a significant increases (Pretreatment = +0.4 ± 0.3 mmol/L;

     < 0.001; Post-Treatment = +0.4 ± 0.4 mmol/L;

     < 0.001). These acute single-dosing responses in blood ketone levels for KET did not change between pre- and post-…[Read more]

  • Gonzalez Bass became a registered member 6 days ago

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