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  • Gates Glud posted an update 2 months, 3 weeks ago

    There was also a marked increase in expression, storage, and release of the von Willebrand factor (VWF) and decreased storage and release of angiopoietin-2 in TM -/- cells. Proteasome activity In a flow chamber assay, isolated platelets adhered to TM -/- cells, forming characteristic VWF-platelet strings. Increased VWF levels and inflammatory foci were also observed in the lungs of tamoxifen-treated ERcre-TMf/f mice. Reexpression of the TM construct in TM -/- cells, but not treatment with soluble TM, normalized the cellular phenotype. Based on these results, we postulate cell-bound TM endows a quiescent cellular phenotype by tightly regulating expression of procoagulant, proinflammatory, and angiogenic molecules in vascular endothelial cells.Legume trees form an abundant and functionally important component of tropical forests worldwide with N2-fixing symbioses linked to enhanced growth and recruitment in early secondary succession. However, it remains unclear how N2-fixers meet the high demands for inorganic nutrients imposed by rapid biomass accumulation on nutrient-poor tropical soils. Here, we show that N2-fixing trees in secondary Neotropical forests triggered twofold higher in situ weathering of fresh primary silicates compared to non-N2-fixing trees and induced locally enhanced nutrient cycling by the soil microbiome community. Shotgun metagenomic data from weathered minerals support the role of enhanced nitrogen and carbon cycling in increasing acidity and weathering. Metagenomic and marker gene analyses further revealed increased microbial potential beneath N2-fixers for anaerobic iron reduction, a process regulating the pool of phosphorus bound to iron-bearing soil minerals. We find that the Fe(III)-reducing gene pool in soil is dominated by acidophilic Acidobacteria, including a highly abundant genus of previously undescribed bacteria, Candidatus Acidoferrum, genus novus. The resulting dependence of the Fe-cycling gene pool to pH determines the high iron-reducing potential encoded in the metagenome of the more acidic soils of N2-fixers and their nonfixing neighbors. We infer that by promoting the activities of a specialized local microbiome through changes in soil pH and CN ratios, N2-fixing trees can influence the wider biogeochemical functioning of tropical forest ecosystems in a manner that enhances their ability to assimilate and store atmospheric carbon.Protein aggregation is associated with a wide range of degenerative human diseases with devastating consequences, as exemplified by Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, and Huntington’s diseases. In vitro kinetic studies have provided a mechanistic understanding of the aggregation process at the molecular level. However, it has so far remained largely unclear to what extent the biophysical principles of amyloid formation learned in vitro translate to the complex environment of living organisms. Here, we take advantage of the unique properties of a Caenorhabditis elegans model expressing a fluorescently tagged polyglutamine (polyQ) protein, which aggregates into discrete micrometer-sized inclusions that can be directly visualized in real time. We provide a quantitative analysis of protein aggregation in this system and show that the data are described by a molecular model where stochastic nucleation occurs independently in each cell, followed by rapid aggregate growth. Global fitting of the image-based aggregation kinetics reveals a nucleation rate corresponding to 0.01 h-1 per cell at 1 mM intracellular protein concentration, and shows that the intrinsic molecular stochasticity of nucleation accounts for a significant fraction of the observed animal-to-animal variation. Our results highlight how independent, stochastic nucleation events in individual cells control the overall progression of polyQ aggregation in a living animal. The key finding that the biophysical principles associated with protein aggregation in small volumes remain the governing factors, even in the complex environment of a living organism, will be critical for the interpretation of in vivo data from a wide range of protein aggregation diseases.Multiple sclerosis (MS), a putative autoimmune disease of the central nervous system (CNS), commonly presents as relapsing-remitting MS (RRMS), characterized by recurrent episodes of peripheral disabling symptoms resulting from inflammatory CNS damage. Many RRMS patients transition to a chronic disease course with progressive neurological dysfunctions (secondary progressive MS, SPMS), with the progression rate varying between patients and over time. SPMS pathogenesis is now linked to immune-cell-mediated processes, although the mechanisms driving SPMS transition and progression remain elusive, and SPMS lacks biomarkers and effective treatments. We report the crucial involvement of cytotoxic CD4+ T cells expressing Eomes (Eomes+ Th cells) in SPMS pathogenesis-a Th cell subset previously identified in a mouse model of late/chronic autoimmune CNS inflammation. Few Eomes+ Th cells circulate in RRMS patient peripheral blood (n = 44), primary progressive MS (PPMS) patients (n = 25), or healthy controls (n = 42), but Eomes+ Th cells were significantly increased in SPMS (n = 105, P less then 0.0001). Strikingly, lymphocytes isolated from SPMS autopsy brain samples revealed CD4+ T cells infiltrating CNS that coexpressed Eomes and the cytotoxic molecule granzyme B. In particular, the Eomes+ Th cell levels were increased in SPMS patients in progressive disease phases versus SPMS patients without current disability increases (P less then 0.0001). Moreover, Eomes level acted as a biomarker to predict SPMS patients at risk of disease worsening with over 80% accuracy (ROC-AUC = 0.8276). Overall, our results indicate that granzyme B-expressing Eomes+ T helper cells are involved in the pathogenesis of SPMS, with significant implications for SPMS biomarkers and therapeutic targets.Cyanobacteria must prevent imbalances between absorbed light energy (source) and the metabolic capacity (sink) to utilize it to protect their photosynthetic apparatus against damage. A number of photoprotective mechanisms assist in dissipating excess absorbed energy, including respiratory terminal oxidases and flavodiiron proteins, but inherently reduce photosynthetic efficiency. Recently, it has been hypothesized that some engineered metabolic pathways may improve photosynthetic performance by correcting source/sink imbalances. In the context of this subject, we explored the interconnectivity between endogenous electron valves, and the activation of one or more heterologous metabolic sinks. We coexpressed two heterologous metabolic pathways that have been previously shown to positively impact photosynthetic activity in cyanobacteria, a sucrose production pathway (consuming ATP and reductant) and a reductant-only consuming cytochrome P450. Sucrose export was associated with improved quantum yield of phtotosystem II (PSII) and enhanced electron transport chain flux, especially at lower illumination levels, while cytochrome P450 activity led to photosynthetic enhancements primarily observed under high light.

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