Feldman Lindgreen posted an update 17 hours ago
These results amply indicate that Aβ in CSF may act as a source of Aβ contributing to the growth of vascular Aβ deposits in CAA. Our findings provide experimental evidence to unravel the mechanisms of CAA formation and the potential of targeting CSF Aβ for CAA.Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is a progressively neurodegenerative disease with typical hal…[Read more]
Feldman Lindgreen posted an update 2 days ago
The TNM-I is an independent prognosticator of favorable diagnosis in both the overall cohort and in the main histological subgroups. In conclusion, CD8+ TIL density is the most promising candidate marker for a TNM-I in NSCLC. The prognostic efficacy of the CD8+ TIL density is strongest in lung squamous cell carcinomas, whereas both CD8+ TILs and…[Read more]
Feldman Lindgreen posted an update 7 days ago
Our findings highlight the extreme variability of spitzoid neoplasms clinically and histologically. Importantly, this study demonstrates that the vast majority of spitzoid neoplasms in pediatric populations are benign and supports conservative management of spitzoid lesions in children.
Our findings highlight the extreme variability of spitzoid…[Read more]
Feldman Lindgreen posted an update 8 days ago
Scars pose a complex challenge to the reconstructive surgeon in the variability of their presentation and their effect on cosmesis and function. Numerous surgical and nonsurgical options exist for scar management, each with their respective advantages and disadvantages. Each treatment modality should be tailored to the patient to ensure enhanced…[Read more]
Feldman Lindgreen posted an update 10 days ago
e same time. This points to a change in the focus of the ED community from promoting potentially harmful weight loss methods to bringing attention to mental health and treatments for EDs. These results together with heightened cognitive processing, increased social references, and reduced inhibition of negative emotions detected in discussions…[Read more]
Feldman Lindgreen posted an update 11 days ago
The greatest improvement in AF-related symptoms was in patients who remained in SR at 6 months after cardioversion and in patients with worse NYHA functional class at baseline.
The greatest improvement in AF-related symptoms was in patients who remained in SR at 6 months after cardioversion and in patients with worse NYHA…[Read more]
Feldman Lindgreen posted an update 11 days ago
Advance care planning (ACP) rates are low in diverse, vulnerable older adults, yet little is known about the unique barriers they face and how these barriers impact ACP documentation rates.
Validated questionnaires listing patient, family/friend, and clinician/system-level ACP barriers and an open-ended question on ACP barriers.…[Read more]