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  • Lambertsen Farmer posted an update 2 days ago

    ERK signaling dynamics also predicted future cell fates. E.g. CD45RA expression increased more in HSC daughters with intermediate than with transient or sustained ERK signaling. We demonstrate heterogeneous, cytokine- and cell type- specific ERK signaling dynamics, illustrating their relevance in regulating HSPC fates.Advances in phylogenomics…[Read more]

  • Lambertsen Farmer posted an update 3 days ago

    Time-resolved photoelectron imaging (TRPEI) is a highly differential technique for the detailed study of non-adiabatic energy redistribution dynamics operating in the electronically excited states of molecules following the absorption of ultraviolet light. This Perspective briefly reviews the main elements of the TRPEI method but also seeks to…[Read more]

  • Lambertsen Farmer posted an update 4 days ago

    69; 95% CI 0.65-0.73), 43% (HR, 0.57; 95% CI 0.53-0.60), and 52% (HR, 0.48; 95% CI 0.42-0.56) lower risks of SLD, respectively. For both BMI and nonalcoholic fatty liver disease variants, participants with fewer metabolic factors had a lower risk of SLD, lower levels of gamma-glutamyl transferase, and lower fatty liver index scores, in…[Read more]

  • Lambertsen Farmer posted an update 4 days ago

    Systematic Review Registration PROSPERO CRD 42020171485.The COVID-19 pandemic has brought hunger to millions of people around the world. Social distancing measures coupled with national lockdowns have reduced work opportunities and the overall household incomes. selleck kinase inhibitor Moreover, the disruption in agricultural production and…[Read more]

  • Lambertsen Farmer posted an update 5 days ago

    Modern statistical methods, such as the design of experiments and response surface methodology, are widely used to describe changes in multiparameter processes during the processing of food in both science and technology contexts. However, these approaches are described to a lesser degree in the case of cocoa roasting than other foods and…[Read more]

  • Lambertsen Farmer posted an update 6 days ago

    We report a case involving a 73-year-old Saudi man diagnosed with dermatomyositis who subsequently developed Kaposi’s sarcoma one month later. He had difficulty in rising from a chair and increased leg weakness while climbing stairs or walking. He was unable to comb his hair and had greater dysphagia with liquids than with solid foods. Laboratory…[Read more]

  • Lambertsen Farmer posted an update 7 days ago

    stribution, which is then fed into PyRosetta for 3D model construction. Our experimental results show that NDThreader greatly outperforms existing methods such as CNFpred, HHpred, DeepThreader and CEthreader. NDThreader was blindly tested in CASP14 as a part of RaptorX server, which obtained the best average GDT score among all CASP14 servers on…[Read more]

  • Lambertsen Farmer posted an update 8 days ago

    There has been a recent shift toward the analysis of the pathoanatomical variation of the adolescent idiopathic scoliosis (AIS) spine with the three dimensions, and research of level-wise vertebral body morphology in single anatomical planes is now replete within the field. In addition to providing a precise description of the osseous structures…[Read more]

  • Lambertsen Farmer posted an update 10 days ago

    Elevated visceral adipose tissue (VAT) has been associated with cardiometabolic risk factors including chronic systemic low-grade inflammation. Whereas the cognitive implications of inflammation have been extensively studied in preclinical models, the influence of inflammatory cytokines on cognitive function in humans is unclear. This study aimed…[Read more]

  • Lambertsen Farmer posted an update 12 days ago

    Our research was aimed to identify the expression, clinical value and biological significance of GINS complex subunit 4 (GINS4) in hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC).

    GINS4 was initially screened through weighted gene co-expression network analysis (WGCNA). The TCGA, GEO, and TIMER databases were applied for analyzing the GINS4 mRNA expression…[Read more]

  • Lambertsen Farmer posted an update 12 days ago

    Trial Registration NCT03793439; registered Jan 4, 2019.Cullin 3 (Cul3) has recently been implicated in a multitude of different processes, including the oxidative stress response, autophagy, tumorigenesis, and differentiation. To investigate the role of Cul3 in mammary gland development, we created a mouse model system using…[Read more]

  • Lambertsen Farmer became a registered member 12 days ago

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