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  • Lawrence Lindahl posted an update 9 hours ago

    BACKGROUND After decades of research and clinical experience, autism spectrum disorder (ASD) turns out to be heterogeneous in every sense, including phenotype and etiology. How is this heterogeneous view translated in information that is useful and significant to parents and clinicians? CONCLUSION Our results may be useful to both clinicians and…[Read more]

  • Lawrence Lindahl posted an update a day ago

    07), a normal AST value (p = 0.034) or test requested by PCP (p = 0.004). Patients referred from PC were more likely to be lost to follow-up than those referred from hospital specialists (p <0.001). Predictors for loss of follow-up included opioid replacement therapy (p = 0.034), absence of high blood pressure (p = 0.039) and test requested by PCP…[Read more]

  • Lawrence Lindahl posted an update 2 days ago

    The abundance of proteins involved in cell differentiation, cell wall modification, phenylpropanoid biosynthesis, and protein synthesis was differentially altered, which was an important reason for changes in root morphology. Furthermore, although both low and high N can cause nitrogen stress, rice roots revealed obvious differences in adaptation…[Read more]

  • Lawrence Lindahl posted an update 3 days ago

    Thus, FTO may be a target gene for HF treatment.

    Different methods of cranioplasty for the reconstruction of bony skull defects exist. In the absence of the autologous bone flap, a customised manufactured implant may be the optimal choice, but this implant has several limitations regarding its technical standardisation and better…[Read more]

  • Lawrence Lindahl posted an update 5 days ago

    This case report emphasizes the importance of post-PTMC anticoagulant therapy.Chylopericardium is a rare complication following cardiac surgery. The incidence of this pathological condition is very low and mainly attributed to lymphatic injuries to the thymus or anterior mediastinum, thoracic duct injuries, or extensive posterior pericardial…[Read more]

  • Lawrence Lindahl posted an update 6 days ago

    The aim of the study was to describe the feasibility of open fetal microneurosurgery for intrauterine spina bifida (SB) repair and to compare perinatal outcomes with cases managed using the classic open fetal surgery technique.

    In this study, we selected a cohort of consecutive fetuses with isolated open SB referred to our fetal surgery…[Read more]

  • Lawrence Lindahl became a registered member 6 days ago

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