Dickinson Forrest posted an update 11 hours ago
In summary, this study is the first to elucidate the microbial diversity and community structure of L. chinensis and compare the diversity and composition between rhizospheric and endosphere microbiomes. © 2020 The Authors. Microbial Biotechnology published by Society for Applied Microbiology and John Wiley & Sons Ltd.Fabricating highly efficient…[Read more]
Dickinson Forrest posted an update 11 hours ago
In summary, this study is the first to elucidate the microbial diversity and community structure of L. chinensis and compare the diversity and composition between rhizospheric and endosphere microbiomes. © 2020 The Authors. Microbial Biotechnology published by Society for Applied Microbiology and John Wiley & Sons Ltd.Fabricating highly efficient…[Read more]
Dickinson Forrest posted an update a day ago
Fertilization triggers significant cellular remodeling through the oocyte-to-embryo transition. In this transition, the ubiquitin-proteasome system and autophagy are essential for the degradation of maternal components; however, the significance of degradation of cell surface components remains unknown. In this study, we show that multiple…[Read more]
Dickinson Forrest posted an update 2 days ago
Eocene Raphidiidae of Europe (Priabonian) differ greatly from those of North America (Ypresian and Priabonian). This pattern might reflect dispersal in either direction or ranges established prior to continental separation. Eocene Inocelliidae of Europe (Priabonian), however, are more similar to those of North America (Ypresian and Lutetian).This…[Read more]
Dickinson Forrest posted an update 2 days ago
Eocene Raphidiidae of Europe (Priabonian) differ greatly from those of North America (Ypresian and Priabonian). This pattern might reflect dispersal in either direction or ranges established prior to continental separation. Eocene Inocelliidae of Europe (Priabonian), however, are more similar to those of North America (Ypresian and Lutetian).This…[Read more]
Dickinson Forrest posted an update 3 days ago
lly aim to reduce COVID-19 stress, may help to reduce overall stress levels in pregnant women during the pandemic.
In contrast to previous studies, COVID-19 did not increase anxiety and depression levels in Dutch pregnant women. Women who related their perceived stress to the COVID-19 pandemic experienced higher stress levels than women who did…[Read more]
Dickinson Forrest posted an update 4 days ago
ontributed to the success of this implementation project, such as scenario simulation education, Objective Structured Clinical Examination, the interrelation response system Kahoot, the use of hemodialysis International Organization for Standardization job descriptions, regular weekly audits, and collaboration with physicians when caring for…[Read more]
Dickinson Forrest posted an update 5 days ago
Athletes physically overload to improve performance. Unbalanced stress/recovery may induce overtraining, which is difficult to diagnosis as no diagnostic marker exists. Hormonal responses to a 55/80 cycle (30-min of alternating blocks of 1-min at 55% and 4-min at 80% maximum work rate) may highlight early-stage overtraining (overreaching), as…[Read more]
Dickinson Forrest posted an update 6 days ago
Moreover, subjective sleepiness was significantly negatively correlated with the microstate parameters of class A and positively correlated with the microstate parameters of class D. Transition analysis revealed that class B exhibited a higher probability of transition than did classes D and F in TSD compared to RW. Conclusion The observation…[Read more]