Rohde Andreassen posted an update 7 hours, 57 minutes ago
Four indices were used to determine the overlap between V1 and V2 (Dice coefficients, overlap fraction, X = (V1nV2)/V1 and Y = (V1nV2)/V2). Results The mean (±standard deviation) follow-up was 26 ± 11 months. The measured overlaps between V1 and V2 were moderate to good according to the four metrics, with 0.62-0.81 (0.72 ± 0.05), 0.72-1.00 (0…[Read more]
Rohde Andreassen posted an update 1 day, 7 hours ago
While some other units operated at low sound levels, many units were louder at children’s ear heights than at adult ear heights. Discussion Many dryers operated much louder than their manufacturers claimed, usually greater than 100 dBA (the maximum allowable noise level for products/toys meant for children). Conclusion This study suggests that…[Read more]
Rohde Andreassen posted an update 2 days, 6 hours ago
For the 1-month time point, DCA of the Japanese dataset suggested expect better outcomes assuming all patients will survive greater than one month. Brier scores for each curve demonstrate that the models are accurate at each time point. selleck chemical Statement of Clinical Significance- We successfully transitioned to PATHFx 2.0 using open…[Read more]