Bentley McLeod posted an update 11 hours ago
The circadian rhythm of the body temperature (CRBT) is a marker of the central biological clock that results from multiple complex biological processes. In mammals, including humans, the body temperature displays a strict circadian rhythm and has to be maintained within a narrow range to allow optimal physiological functions. There is nowadays…[Read more]
Bentley McLeod posted an update a day ago
CI = confidence interval; iPTH = intact parathyroid hormone; OR = odds ratio; POD-1 = postoperative day 1; POD-2 = postoperative day 2; PTC = papillary thyroid carcinoma; ROC = receiver operating characteristic.
CI = confidence interval; iPTH = intact parathyroid hormone; OR = odds ratio; POD-1 = postoperative day 1; POD-2 = postoperative day…[Read more]
Bentley McLeod posted an update 2 days ago
Our work reveals PhPs nanoimaging as a versatile method for the quantitative characterization of the local optical properties of dielectric substrates, crucial for understanding and predicting the response of nanomaterials and for the future scalability of integrated nanophotonic devices.Nodaviruses are small bisegmented RNA viruses belonging to…[Read more]
Bentley McLeod posted an update 3 days ago
Myokymic discharges are classically associated with nerve injury from prior radiation but may occur in other neuromuscular disorders. Using quantitative analysis we aimed to identify the spectrum of conditions in which myokymic discharges are present and determine if there are electrophysiological features that distinguish postradiation from…[Read more]
Bentley McLeod posted an update 5 days ago
Other favorite features, including superior biocompatibility, weak dark toxicity, and mitochondria enrichment capability, are implemented. All these traits not only afford nanoprobe precision tumor cell targeting capability but also provide promising imaging-guided antitumor therapy. We believe that the single molecular protocol will establish a…[Read more]