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  • Hawley Birch posted an update 2 months ago

    In vitro, the changes of GR/SIRT1/miR-134-5p/SOX2 signal by dexamethasone were consistent with in vivo experiments, which could be reversed by GR receptor antagonist, SIRT1 agonist, and miR-134-5p inhibitor. This study confirmed that PDE led to an increased expression level as well as H3K9ac level of miR-134-5p by activating the GR/SIRT1 pathway in the fetal hippocampus and then inhibited the SOX2 expression. The programming effect mediated by the abnormal epigenetic modification could last from intrauterine to adulthood, which constitutes the intrauterine programming mechanism leading to hippocampal neurogenesis disorders and depression susceptibility in female offspring. Intrauterine programming mechanism for the increased depressive susceptibility in adult female offspring by prenatal dexamethasone exposure (PDE). GR, glucocorticoid receptor; SIRT1, sirtuin 1; SOX2, sex-determining region Y-box 2; NPCs, neuroprogenitor cells; H3K9ac, histone 3 lysine 9 acetylation; GRE, glucocorticoid response element.Physiologically based pharmacokinetic (PBPK) absorption modeling and simulation is increasingly used as a tool in drug product development, not only in support of clinical pharmacology applications (e.g., drug-drug interaction, dose selection) but also from quality perspective, enhancing drug product understanding. This report provides a summary of the status and the application of PBPK absorption modeling and simulation in new drug application (NDA) submissions to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration to support drug product quality (e.g., clinically relevant dissolution specifications, active pharmaceutical ingredient (API) particle size distribution specifications). During the 10 years from 2008 to 2018, a total of 24 NDA submissions included the use of PBPK absorption modeling and simulations for biopharmaceutics-related assessment. In these submissions, PBPK absorption modeling and simulation served as an impactful tool in establishing the relationship of critical quality attributes (CQAs) including formulation variables, specifically in vitro dissolution, to the in vivo performance. This article also summarizes common practices in PBPK approaches and proposes future directions for the use of PBPK absorption modeling and simulation in drug product quality assessment.Graphical abstract.Catasetum fimbriatum is a dioecious species whose flowers fully adapted to an euglossinophilic mode of pollination. Euglossini male bees collect the volatile fragrances which are produced in osmophores on the flowers. In order to understand the mechanism of scent secretion and floral interaction with the pollinator, we describe the location, histochemistry, anatomy, and ultrastructure of osmophores in pistillate and staminate flowers of this species. Fresh flowers were submerged in neutral red solution to locate the position of the osmophores. Other histochemical test performed includes the NADI reaction to detect terpenoids, Sudan IV for lipids, and Lugol’s iodine solution to detect starch. Anatomical and ultrastructural traits were studied with bright field and transmission electron microscopes, respectively. The location of osmophores differs between pistillate and staminate flowers. In pistillate flowers, secretory tissues were observed on the ribbed adaxial surface of the labellum, but not on its margins, whereas in staminate flowers, they were found throughout the adaxial surface of the labellum and especially in the fimbriae. Anatomy and ultrastructure of the osmophores in the labellum of both types of flowers were similar. They present characteristics of metabolically active cells, such as abundant mitochondria, rough endoplasmic reticulum, vesicles, plastids with starch grains, and lipid globules. Granulocrine secretion and cycles of cytoplasmic contraction and expansion appear to allow the release of products without involving the rupture of the cuticle. Individuals of Eufriesea auriceps and Euglossa sp. were captured in staminate and pistillate flowers but, it seems likely, that only the former pollinates this orchid species.Two-dimensional ultrastructural changes of Tobacco mosaic virus (TMV) and Zucchini yellow mosaic virus (ZYMV) in tobacco and pumpkin plants, respectively, are well studied. To provide 3D data, representative control and infected cells were reconstructed using serial sectioning and transmission electron microscopy. Quantitative data of 3D ultrastructural changes were then extracted from the cytosol and organelles by image analysis. While TMV induced the accumulation of an average of 40 virus inclusion bodies in the cytosol, which covered about 13% of the cell volume, ZYMV caused the accumulation of an average of 1752 cylindrical inclusions in the cytosol, which covered about 2.7% of the total volume of the cell. TMV infection significantly decreased the number and size of mitochondria (- 49 and – 20%) and peroxisomes (- 62 and – 28%) of the reconstructed cell. The reconstructed ZYMV-infected cell contained more (105%) and larger (109%) mitochondria when compared to the control cell. While the reconstructed TMV-infected cell contained larger (20%) and the ZYMV-infected smaller (19%) chloroplasts, both contained less chloroplasts (- 40% for TMV and – 23% for ZYMV). In chloroplasts, the volume of starch and plastoglobules increased (664% and 150% for TMV and 1324% and 1300% for ZYMV) when compared to the control. The latter was correlated with a decrease in the volume of thylakoids in the reconstructed ZYMV-infected cell (- 31%) indicating that degradation products from thylakoids are transported and stored in plastoglobules. Summing up, the data collected in this study give a comprehensive overview of 3D changes induced by TMV and ZYMV in plants.Pleurothallidinae orchids have been the focus of many multidisciplinary studies due to their challenging systematics and taxonomy. CK-586 supplier The synapomorphies already recognized in the group are mostly related to floral characters, the last proposed being the occurrence of alkanes in the floral fragrance. The composition of the floral bouquet varied significantly among the studied species, leading us to hypothesize that the variations in volatiles emitted could be linked to the structure of osmophores, especially when comparing the myophilous and sapromyophilous pollination syndromes. Sepals and labellum at different developmental stages of seven Brazilian Pleurothallidinae species were examined using light, scanning, and transmission electron microscopy. Nectar reabsorption was assessed by Lucifer Yellow CH tracer and imaged under confocal microscopy. Nectaries were restricted to the labellum of the myophilous species, whereas osmophores occurred in the dorsal and/or lateral sepals, varying according to species. In the sapromyophilous species, floral nectaries were not detected and osmophores were restricted to the labellum.

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