Archer Ross posted an update 2 days ago
ditional validity evidence for the O-EDShOT as an assessment tool for capturing trainee on-shift performance that can be used as a stimulus for actionable feedback and as a source for high-quality workplace-based assessment data to inform decisions about emergency medicine trainee progress and promotion.
To compare post-concussion symptoms in…[Read more]
Archer Ross posted an update 3 days ago
These inflammatory components form a common thread that is involved in regulation of the three plasticity levels stemness/EMT, therapy resistance, and dormancy. In view of the fact that inflammatory elements are a common denominator shared by different aspects of tumor cell plasticity, it is possible that their targeting may have a critical…[Read more]
Archer Ross posted an update 4 days ago
Genome transfer from a virus into a cell is a critical early step in viral replication. Enveloped viruses achieve the delivery of their genomes into the cytoplasm by merging the viral membrane with the cellular membrane via a conceptually simple mechanism called membrane fusion. In contrast, genome translocation mechanisms in nonenveloped viruses,…[Read more]
Archer Ross posted an update 5 days ago
Advances in omics technologies have generated exponentially larger volumes of biological data; however, their analyses and interpretation are limited to computationally proficient scientists. We created OmicsVolcano, an interactive open-source software tool to enable visualization and exploration of high-throughput biological data, while…[Read more]