Ring Bryan posted an update 14 hours, 15 minutes ago
Considering the height values measured in the AFM measurements, state 1 is closer to the crystal structure, and state 2 has a more compact form. Subsequent AFM experiments indicated that the binding of the sugar donor LLO decreased the structural fluctuation and shifted the equilibrium almost completely to state 1. This dynamic behavior is likely…[Read more]
Ring Bryan posted an update 1 day ago
The probability of CCSM and NCSM was similar in patients 50-75 years of age. Competing-risk multivariable analysis demonstrated that increasing age was a strong predictor of CCSM (per year increase, SHR 1.03,95% confidence interval [CI] 1.03-1.04). Age was most predictive of NCSM (per year increase, SHR 1.08, 95% CI 1.08-1.08).
Age was…[Read more]