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  • Elliott Cabrera posted an update 2 months, 3 weeks ago

    To explore the association between sleep duration and mild cognitive impairment(MCI) in people aged 55 and above in 4 provinces of China.

    A stratified multi-stage cluster random sampling method was adopted. From May to August 2018 in 32 survey districts and counties in 4 provinces of Hebei, Zhejiang, Shaanxi, and Hunan, 5334 55-year-old and older persons who met the inclusion criteria were randomly selected. Among them, there were 2362 males and 2972 females, with an average age of(67. 43±7. 48) years. A questionnaire survey was conducted to collect their basic information, lifestyle, disease history, sleep duration, etc. MCI were screened based on the Montreal cognitive assessment(MoCA). Multivariate Logistic regression was used to analyze the association between sleep duration and MCI.

    16. 76% of them slept for less than 7. 0 hours, 19. 10% of the middle-aged and elderly people slept for 9 hours or more, and 36. 24% of them were found to be MCI. After adjusted the area, age, gender, education level, wn women can increase the risk of MCI.

    Shorter or longer sleep time is an important factor independently related to MCI. Insufficient sleep in men and longer sleep time in women can increase the risk of MCI.

    To explore the association between mild cognitive impairment and hyperuricemia among people aged 55 and above.

    Based on the baseline survey data of “community cohort study on neurological diseases” from 2018 to 2019, 4272 residents aged 55 and above with complete data of individual socioeconomic status, lifestyle, mild cognitive impairment and serum uric acid level were selected as the research objects. The Montreal cognitive assessment(MoCA) was used to evaluate the mild cognitive impairment of the research objects. The relationship between serum uric acid level and MoCA score was analyzed. Multivariate Logistic regression model was used to analyze the association of serum uric acid level and mild cognitive impairment.

    The prevalence of cognitive impairment in the normal and high serum uric acid groups were 38. 6% and 38. 4%, respectively. In the normal serum uric acid level group, the serum uric acid level of the non-cognitive impairment group was significantly higher(291. 4 μmol/L)than that of the coc acid may play a protective role in cognitive impairment. Hyperuricemia has not been found to increase the risk of cognitive impairment in people 55 years and older.

    To analyze the relationship between different intensity of physical activity(PA) duration and cognitive function.

    The 2018 Community-based Cohort Study on Nervous System Diseases used multi-stage stratified cluster randomization sampling method to select study participants. A total of 5571 participants aged 55 years and above from four provinces in China with complete information on demographic characteristics and PA and cognitive function were included in the final analysis. Basic information and PA data were collected by questionnaire. The Montreal cognitive assessment(MoCA) score method was adopted to evaluate the cognitive function. Light physical activity(LPA) duration and moderate-to-vigorous physical activity(MVPA) duration were calculated. Multivariate Logistic regression and Multiple linear regressions were used to analyze the relationship between different intensity of PA duration and the risk of mild cognitive impairment(MCI) and MoCA total score.

    The median(P25, P75) of LPA and MVPA were 7. ur provinces of China. LPA duration should be maintained at an appropriate level in order to reduce the incidence of MCI and increased cognitive function in the elderly.

    MVPA duration increment was associated with decreased prevalence of MCI and increased cognitive function in the elderly in four provinces of China. LPA duration should be maintained at an appropriate level in order to reduce the incidence of MCI and increased cognitive function in the elderly.

    The 2017 International Liaison Committee on Resuscitation (ILCOR) guideline recommends that Emergency Medical Service (EMS) providers can perform cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) with synchronous or asynchronous ventilation until an advanced airway has been placed. In the current literature, limited data on CPR performed with continuous compressions and asynchronous ventilation with bag-valve-mask (BVM) are available.

    In this study, researchers aimed to compare the effectiveness of asynchronous BVM and laryngeal mask airway (LMA) ventilation during CPR with continuous chest compressions.

    Emergency medicine residents and interns were included in the study. The participants were randomly assigned to resuscitation teams with two rescuers. The cross-over simulation study was conducted on two CPR scenarios asynchronous ventilation via BVM during a continuous chest compression and asynchronous ventilation via LMA during a continuous chest compression in cardiac arrest patient with asystole. The primary endrdiac arrest patients should be evaluated with further studies at real-life scenes.

    The results of this study show that asynchronous BVM ventilation with continuous chest compressions is a reliable and effective strategy during CPR under simulation conditions. The clinical impact of these findings in actual cardiac arrest patients should be evaluated with further studies at real-life scenes.

    To determine the temporal directionality of the association between food insecurity and maternal depression.

    Food insecurity was measured at two time points using the 18-item USDA Food Security Scale. Maternal depression was measured at two time points using the 15-item Composite International Diagnostic Interview-Short Form. Two structural equation models were utilized to evaluate the impact of food insecurity on maternal depression (model 1) and the impact of maternal depression on food insecurity (model 2). Epertinib manufacturer Both models controlled for socio-demographic and parenting characteristics and child behavior problems, along with prior measures of the dependent variable, concurrent measures of the independent variable.

    Fragile Families and Child Wellbeing (FFCW) study, 20 cities across the United States.

    4,897 mothers who participated in two waves of the FFCW study.

    On average, 17% (time 1) and 15% (time 2) of mothers experienced food insecurity and 21% (time 1) and 17% (time 2) of mothers experienced depression over time.

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