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  • Ahmad Torp posted an update 11 hours, 8 minutes ago

    Our findings indicated that antisocial traits, especially lower levels of empathy and higher levels of Callousness, Deceitfulness, and Risk-taking, are directly associated with lower compliance with containment measures. These traits explain, at least partially, the reason why people continue not adhering to the containment measures even with increasing numbers of cases and deaths.Momentary lapses in memory, perception, or action, known as cognitive failures, are relatively common. These lapses may reflect, in part, aspects of psychological functioning, such as personality traits. The present research addresses how Five Factor Model personality traits and facets are associated with cognitive failures, and whether these associations are accounted for by depressed affect. Participants (N=5,133; 50% female) who ranged in age from 18 to 91 completed an online survey that assessed their personality traits, cognitive failures, and depressed affect. Higher neuroticism was associated with more cognitive failures, whereas Conscientiousness and Agreeableness were associated with fewer failures, controlling for sociodemographic characteristics. Controlling for depressed affect reduced the associations in most cases by about 50%, but most relations were still apparent. Facet-level analyses provided a more detailed picture of how the traits are associated with cognitive failures. Subjective perceptions of lapses in cognition are associated with basic personality traits and may reflect, in part, processes related to those traits beyond depressed affect.Cigarette smoking is associated with autonomic dysregulation and altered stress responsivity. There exists a reciprocal relation between subjective and physiological stress reactivity and recovery in smokers. Emotion regulation may impact the extent to which these domains influence each other. The current study examined the moderating role of lack of emotional awareness, lack of emotional clarity, and nonacceptance of emotions, in the relation between heart rate reactivity to, and subjective recovery from, stress, and vice versa. To determine specificity of cross-domain findings, these relations were also examined within domain. Fifty-six daily smokers (46.4% female; Mage = 29.33, SD = 11.92) participated in a biological challenge. Heart rate and subjective distress were assessed continuously before, during, and after the challenge. Individual growth curve models revealed that deficits in emotional clarity significantly moderated the effect of heart rate reactivity on subjective recovery. Lack of emotional awareness also moderated the association between subjective reactivity and heart rate recovery. Emotion regulation processes did not affect relations within the same domain, but altered the relation across domains.Negative emotion differentiation (NED) is the ability to precisely discern negatively-valenced emotional states. Low NED has been linked to numerous negative outcomes. However, little is known about the conditions under which individual differences in NED emerge, particularly during adolescence, a potentially important developmental stage. We examined associations between NED (assessed using intraclass correlations between negative emotion [NE] ratings collected via intensive longitudinal methods), parental variables, and age. Adolescents (N=233, Mage=15.90, 53% female) and their parents completed interview measures of depression and self-report questionnaires; adolescents then completed a seven-day ecological momentary assessment. Lower NED was associated with greater parental depression, greater authoritarian parenting style, and lower parental attachment security. Age was negatively and linearly associated with NED. CaffeicAcidPhenethylEster Results held controlling for mean NE and adolescent depression, although authoritarian parenting was non-significant controlling for other developmental variables. Findings suggest healthy parent-child relationships may relate to adolescents’ ability to perceive NEs with nuance.High rates of delay discounting are associated with a range of disorders characterized by behavioral disinhibition, such as substance abuse and childhood behavioral problems. The current study extends the research of the personality correlates of delay discounting by examining its association with two domains of disinhibited personality, impulsivity and low harm avoidance. Trait measures of impulsivity and harm avoidance as well as a delay discounting task were administered to 669 young adult subjects (350 male, 319 female). The primary hypothesis was that a combination of high impulsivity and low harm avoidance would be associated with the highest delay discounting rates. Delay discounting rates were significantly associated with high levels of impulsivity. Counterintuitively, the highest rates of delay discounting were associated with high rates of impulsivity and high rates of harm avoidance. Results suggest that those high in impulsivity and harm avoidance are more sensitive to immediate rewards. These results are novel and suggest more complex processes involved when considering a choice between an immediate and a delayed reward that may require longer waiting periods, which itself may be anxiety providing and perceived as potentially harmful.Separate lines of epidemiological research suggest that individuals with high trait self-regulation (e.g. conscientious individuals) and individuals with higher cognitive ability (e.g. executive control/intelligence) each tend to enjoy superior health and well-being outcomes. However, it remains largely unexplored whether these personological and cognitive contributions to physical health are shared, independent, or interdependent. In the current study, we examined associations between trait self-regulation, cognitive control, self-reported physical health, and subjective well-being. A domain-general model revealed little shared variance between trait self-regulation and cognitive control but revealed significant unique relationships between each predictor and physical health. Results of a latent moderation analysis suggested that cognitive control moderated the contribution of self-regulation to health but not subjective well-being. This moderation effect was characterized by a strengthened relationship between trait self-regulation and health with decreases in cognitive control.

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