McLaughlin Hewitt posted an update 11 hours ago
Rab1A, a member of the Ras-like protein in rat brain (Rab) family, acts as an oncogene in a variety of malignant tumors. Previous studies reported that Rab1A was highly expressed in GC tissues. However, the function and molecular mechanism of Rab1A in gastric cancer (GC) development remain far from being addressed. Rab1A mRNA and protein levels…[Read more]
McLaughlin Hewitt posted an update a day ago
© American Society of Regional Anesthesia & Pain Medicine 2020. No commercial re-use. See rights and permissions. Published by BMJ.High rates of glycolysis in cancer cells are a well-established characteristic of many human tumors, providing rapidly proliferating cancer cells with metabolites that can be used as precursors for anabolic pathways.…[Read more]
McLaughlin Hewitt posted an update 2 days ago
PURPOSE Taxi drivers represent a large group of workers employed in the service sector of transport. Many studies found an increased risk of a range of health disorders in relation to their irregular work shifts, inappropriate diet, drinking and smoking habits and their high exposure to gasoline- and diesel-engine exhaust fumes. The aim of the…[Read more]
McLaughlin Hewitt posted an update 3 days ago
The correct formation of the aortic arch arteries depends on a coordinated and regulated gene expression profile within the tissues of the pharyngeal arches. Perturbation of the gene regulatory networks in these tissues results in congenital heart defects affecting the arch arteries and the outflow tract of the heart. Aberrant development of these…[Read more]
McLaughlin Hewitt posted an update 4 days ago
Certain genotypes either contain active transposable elements or are more permissive of transposition and accumulate copies of particular transposable elements. Overall, it is important to quantify genotype-specific transposable element dynamics as well as population averages to understand the dynamics of transposable element accumulation over…[Read more]
McLaughlin Hewitt posted an update 6 days ago
greater treatment benefit for ICI therapy.Background Besides the interest of an early detection of ovarian cancer, there is an urgent need for new predictive and prognostic biomarkers of tumor development and cancer treatment. In healthy patients, circulating blood monocytes are typically subdivided into classical (85%), intermediate (5%) and…[Read more]
McLaughlin Hewitt posted an update 9 days ago
3 and 29.5for the second enantiomer, respectively. Concerning the enantioselectivity, even most of the compounds are separated on all the four columns, the coated amylose tris(3-chloro-5-methylphenylcarbamate) allows the best resolution for most of the ten studied analytes (except omeprazole for which the resolution values are equal to 7.8 and 9.7…[Read more]