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  • Dahlgaard Bjerring posted an update 2 months, 3 weeks ago

    Typically, the amount of daily carbohydrate in the Modified Atkins diet (MAD) is restricted to 10-20 g from the beginning of the therapy. It is possible to gradually reduce the daily carbohydrate amount to this target to increase acceptability of the diet. We report the use of the MAD with slow carbohydrate reduction in a patient with Glucose Transporter 1 Deficiency, including results of neuropsychological assessments. Seizures were controlled at 45 g of carbohydrates daily. This case report illustrates that a liberalized form of MAD with slow reduction of carbohydrate may be a therapeutic option in some children with epilepsy. It is possible that other children with epilepsy could achieve seizure control at higher carbohydrate level than current MAD recommendations. © 2019 The Authors.Catalytic carbonyl-olefin metathesis reactions enable direct carbon-carbon bond formation between carbonyl and olefin substrates relying on carbonyl-activation with a suitable Lewis acid. Based on this reaction design principle, efficient protocols for intermolecular carbonyl-olefin metathesis, as well as ring-closing and ring-opening carbonyl-olefin metathesis have been developed.It has become increasingly evident that the mechanical and electrical environment of a cell is crucial in determining its function and the subsequent behavior of multicellular systems. Platforms through which cells can directly interface with mechanical and electrical stimuli are therefore of great interest. Piezoelectric materials are attractive in this context because of their ability to interconvert mechanical and electrical energy, and piezoelectric nanomaterials, in particular, are ideal candidates for tools within mechanobiology, given their ability to both detect and apply small forces on a length scale that is compatible with cellular dimensions. The choice of piezoelectric material is crucial to ensure compatibility with cells under investigation, both in terms of stiffness and biocompatibility. learn more Here, we show that poly-l-lactic acid nanotubes, grown using a melt-press template wetting technique, can provide a “soft” piezoelectric interface onto which human dermal fibroblasts readily attach. Interestingly, by controlling the crystallinity of the nanotubes, the level of attachment can be regulated. In this work, we provide detailed nanoscale characterization of these nanotubes to show how differences in stiffness, surface potential, and piezoelectric activity of these nanotubes result in differences in cellular behavior. Copyright © 2020 American Chemical Society.Compared with white women, black women have higher incidence rates for triple-negative breast cancer but lower rates for hormone receptor (HR)-positive cancers in the United States. Whether similar racial difference occurs in male breast cancer is unclear. We examined racial differences in incidence rates of breast cancer subtypes defined by HR and human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 (HER2) by sex using nationwide data from 2010 to 2016. Among men, rates were higher in blacks than whites for all subtypes, with the black-to-white incidence rate ratios of 1.41 (95% confidence interval [CI ]= 1.32 to 1.50) for HR+/HER-, 1.65 (95% CI = 1.40 to 1.93) for HR+/HER2+, 2.62 (95% CI = 1.48 to 4.43) for HR-/HER2+, and 2.27 (95% CI = 1.67 to 3.03) for triple-negative subtype. Conversely, among women, rates in blacks were 21% lower for HR+/HER2- and comparable for HR+/HER2+ but 29% and 93% higher for HR-/HER2+ and triple-negative subtypes, respectively. Future studies are needed to identify contributing factors to the dissimilar racial patterns in breast cancer subtype incidence between men and women. © The Author(s) 2020. Published by Oxford University Press.Background Following the September 11, 2001, attacks on the World Trade Center (WTC), thousands of workers were exposed to an array of toxins known to cause adverse health effects, including cancer. This study evaluates cancer incidence in the WTC Health Program General Responder Cohort occurring within 12 years post exposure. Methods The study population consisted of 28 729 members of the General Responder Cohort enrolled from cohort inception, July 2002 to December 31, 2013. Standardized incidence ratios (SIRs) were calculated with cancer case inclusion and follow-up starting post September 11, 2001 (unrestricted) and, alternatively, to account for selection bias, with case inclusion and follow-up starting 6 months after enrollment in the WTC Health Program (restricted). Case ascertainment was based on linkage with six state cancer registries. Under the restricted criterion, hazard ratios were estimated using multivariable Cox proportional hazards models for all cancer sites combined and for prostate cancer. Results Restricted analyses identified 1072 cancers in 999 responders, with elevations in cancer incidence for all cancer sites combined (SIR = 1.09, 95% confidence interval [CI] = 1.02 to 1.16), prostate cancer (SIR = 1.25, 95% CI = 1.11 to 1.40), thyroid cancer (SIR = 2.19, 95% CI = 1.71 to 2.75), and leukemia (SIR = 1.41, 95% CI = 1.01 to 1.92). Cancer incidence was not associated with any WTC exposure index (composite or individual) for all cancer sites combined or for prostate cancer. Conclusion Our analyses show statistically significant elevations in cancer incidence for all cancer sites combined and for prostate and thyroid cancers and leukemia. Multivariable analyses show no association with magnitude or type of exposure. © The Author(s) 2020. Published by Oxford University Press.Background Hot flashes (HFs) negatively affect quality of life among perimenopausal and postmenopausal women. This study investigated the efficacy of oxybutynin vs placebo in decreasing HFs. Methods In this randomized, multicenter, double-blind study, women with and without breast cancer with 28 or more HFs per week, lasting longer than 30 days, who were not candidates for estrogen-based therapy, were assigned to oral oxybutynin (2.5 mg twice a day or 5 mg twice a day) or placebo for 6 weeks. The primary endpoint was the intrapatient change from baseline in weekly HF score between each oxybutynin dose and placebo using a repeated-measures mixed model. Secondary endpoints included changes in weekly HF frequency, HF-related daily interference scale questionnaires, and self-reported symptoms. Results We enrolled 150 women. Baseline characteristics were well balanced. Mean (SD) age was 57 (8.2) years. Two-thirds (65%) were taking tamoxifen or an aromatase inhibitor. Patients on both oxybutynin doses reported greater reductions in the weekly HF score (5 mg twice a day -16.

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