Dempsey Macdonald posted an update 19 hours ago
Simply by varying the packing fraction of the two monolayers, we obtain not only low-coordinated structures such as rectangular and honeycomb lattices, but also rhomboidal, hexagonal and herringbone superlattices encoding non-regular tessellations. This is achieved without directional bonding, and the structures formed are equilibrium structures…[Read more]
Dempsey Macdonald posted an update 2 days ago
We compared the simulations with recordings from healthy volunteers. Main results We found that the auditory-nerve fibers, the cochlear nuclei and the inferior colliculus all contributed to the speech-evoked brainstem response, although the dominant contribution came from the inferior colliculus. The delay of the response corresponded to that…[Read more]
Dempsey Macdonald posted an update 3 days ago
2% for all outcomes and I2 = 65.2% for sympathovagal balance. Thus, we performed meta-regressions for the sympathovagal balance rather than the combined parameters effect, the goodness of fit model presents significance only for age – the residual sum of squares compared to chi-square distribution (QR) is 4.24 for age (p = 0.12) – while, for…[Read more]
Dempsey Macdonald posted an update 5 days ago
Perception of a sound is influenced by spectral properties of surrounding sounds. When frequencies are absent in a preceding acoustic context before being introduced in a subsequent target sound, detection of those frequencies is facilitated via an auditory enhancement effect (EE). When spectral composition differs across a preceding context and…[Read more]
Dempsey Macdonald posted an update 6 days ago
In-hospital mortality was significantly higher in the high-XOR group (n = 28, 26.2%) than in the normal- (n = 11, 5.1%) and low- (n = 9, 8.3%) XOR groups. The high-XOR group (vs. normal-XOR group) was independently associated with the in-hospital mortality (OR 2.934; 95% CI 1.170-7.358; p = 0.022). Serum UA levels and plasma XOR activity were h…[Read more]
Dempsey Macdonald posted an update 7 days ago
Furthermore, we observe adsorption of nanodiscs to the supported lipid bilayer for one nanodisc system which used a polymer made using reversible addition-fragmentation chain transfer polymerization. These results have important implications in applications of polymer-stabilized nanodiscs, such as in the fabrication of solid-supported films…[Read more]
Dempsey Macdonald posted an update 8 days ago
036). The mRSS has a significant negative linear effect on the delta FTP at the baseline and the end of the follow-up (r -0.31 and -0.40, respectively). Moreover, changes of mRSS and delta FTP showed a negative linear association over time (r -0.22). These linear effects remained significant after regrouping the patients based on their SSc…[Read more]
Dempsey Macdonald posted an update 10 days ago
In this review article, we discuss the most recent advances of the diagnosis and treatment of viral hepatitis.Child poverty remains a persistent problem in Canada and is well known to lead to poor health outcomes. The Canada Child Benefit (CCB) is a cash transfer program in effect since 2016, which increased both the benefit amount and number of…[Read more]
Dempsey Macdonald posted an update 11 days ago
A reliable analytical method was developed for recognition targets in spinach sample by Silica-PAFs-b with satisfactory extraction recoveries (96.25% and 100.51%). The proposed method using the material was applied for trace analysis of the carbendazim and thiabendazole residue. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved. This…[Read more]