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  • Hussein Frank posted an update 24 days ago

    High accuracy of text classification can be achieved through simultaneous learning of multiple information, such as sequence information and word importance. In this article, a kind of flat neural networks called the broad learning system (BLS) is employed to derive two novel learning methods for text classification, including recurrent BLS…[Read more]

  • Hussein Frank posted an update 25 days ago

    This study aimed to evaluate the association between cochlear nerve canal dimensions and semicircular canal abnormalities and to determine the distribution of bony labyrinth anomalies in patients with cochlear nerve canal stenosis.

    This was a retrospective study in which high-resolution computed tomography images of paediatric patients…[Read more]

  • Hussein Frank posted an update a month ago

    Trained immunity confers a sustained augmented response of innate immune cells to a secondary challenge, via a process dependent on metabolic and transcriptional reprogramming. Because of its previous associations with metabolic and transcriptional memory, as well as the importance of H3 histone lysine 4 monomethylation (H3K4me1) to innate immune…[Read more]

  • Hussein Frank posted an update a month ago

    Smooth muscle cells (SMCs) are characterized by a high degree of phenotypic plasticity. Contractile differentiation is governed by myocardin-related transcription factors (MRTFs), in particular myocardin (MYOCD), and when their drive is lost, the cells become proliferative and synthetic with an expanded endoplasmic reticulum (ER). ER is…[Read more]

  • Hussein Frank posted an update a month ago

    Interactions between CpbHLH1 protein and AtPAP1/NtAN2 protein were detected via yeast two-hybrid (Y2H) and bimolecular fluorescence complementation (BiFC) assays. This is the first bHLH repressor of anthocyanin biosynthesis identified in dicotyledons. These results can help us better understand the anthocyanin regulatory network in plants and may…[Read more]

  • Hussein Frank posted an update a month ago

    BACKGROUND Writing, sharing, answering, discussing and rating examination questions is a way to involve students in creating content and applying their knowledge. The PeerWise online question-setting platform facilitates student communities in this activity. This mixed-methods study asks the question Does students’ writing and answering…[Read more]

  • Hussein Frank posted an update a month ago

    Results show a range of deposit volumes that run from 4900 m3 to 59,300 m3. The density of LiDAR point cloud (1 point/m2) ensures metric precision for the superficial layer. The Electrical Resistivity Tomography revealed the geometry of the deposits that superposes two layers marking the border between waste and natural terrain, and the boreh…[Read more]

  • Hussein Frank posted an update a month ago

    Genetic variants in voltage-gated sodium channels (Na

    ) encoded by

    genes, responsible for I

    , and K

    4.3 channels encoded by

    , responsible for the transient outward current (I

    ), contribute to the manifestation of both Brugada syndrome (BrS) and spinocerebellar ataxia (SCA19/22). We examined the hypothesis that K

    4.3…[Read more]

  • Hussein Frank posted an update a month ago

    Iliac artery aneurysms can rarely present with rupture into adjacent iliac vein resulting in arteriovenous fistula leading to acute cardiac failure or multi-organ failure. End-organ damage can be reversed with timely diagnosis and intervention. Endovascular therapy is an attractive option to treat this pathology besides allowing for a quick…[Read more]

  • Hussein Frank became a registered member a month ago

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