King Beebe posted an update 10 hours ago
Finally, the relationships between speech behaviors and an objective measure of communicative efficiency were examined. Results Healthy speakers engaged in speech characterized by greater articulatory precision and slower speaking rate when conversing with individuals with PD relative to conversations with other healthy individuals. However, these…[Read more]
King Beebe posted an update a day ago
The Finnish National Diabetes Prevention Program (FIN-D2D) was the first large-scale diabetes prevention program in a primary health care setting in the world. The risk reduction of type 2 diabetes was 69% after one-year intervention in high-risk individuals who were able to lose 5% of their weight. We investigated long-term effects of one-year…[Read more]
King Beebe posted an update 2 days ago
There is a shrinking proportion of Black patients in pivotal heart failure trials despite a higher prevalence of disease and associated adverse outcomes. There is increasing awareness of these disparities within the heart failure community, potentially leading to improved representation in future studies.
Atrial fibrillation is the most common…[Read more]
King Beebe posted an update 3 days ago
0%. Therefore, cathepsin L plays an important role in protein degradation in surimi, and the quality of surimi gel could be enhanced by inhibiting its activity.Nowadays the use of natural fiber composites has gained significant interest due to their low density, high availability, and low cost. The present study explores the development of…[Read more]
King Beebe posted an update 4 days ago
The community cat program (CCP) was recommended by the Ministry of the Environment to reduce cats in local animal shelters and improve stray cat welfare in Japan. It is a non-lethal control measure with stray cats cared for as free-roaming cats for their lifetime in the community, while Trap-Neuter-Return (TNR) or…[Read more]
King Beebe posted an update 5 days ago
Functional appliances are widely used for regulating and directing growth in which commonly used are Frankel regulator and twinblock. Frankel regulator expands the orofacial arena for allowing growth by passive expansion, whereas twin block aids sagittal correction in retrusive mandible. Heres, an attempt to bring about both the changes in a…[Read more]
King Beebe posted an update 9 days ago
Defect engineering in the photoelectrochemical (PEC) process of photoelectrodes has been extensively studied. But insufficient attention has been received about the impact of metal vacancies (VM) in PEC process. Herein, the influence of Cu vacancies (VCu) on PEC performance of copper oxide (CuO) derived from Cu-based metal-organic gel (Cu-MOG)…[Read more]