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  • Adkins Vaughn posted an update 16 hours ago

    Plants involved in the arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) symbiosis trade photosynthetically derived carbon for fungal-provided soil nutrients. However, little is known about how plant light demand and ambient light conditions influence root-associating AM fungal communities. We conducted a manipulative field experiment to test whether plants’…[Read more]

  • Adkins Vaughn posted an update 2 days ago

    The ultrawide band gap of diamond distinguishes it from other semiconductors, in that all known defects have deep energy levels that are less active at room temperature. click here Here, we present the effect of deep defects on the mechanical energy dissipation of single-crystal diamond experimentally and theoretically up to 973 K. Energy…[Read more]

  • Adkins Vaughn posted an update 3 days ago

    In Japanese high schools, the understanding of school non-attendance and students with developmental disabilities, including autism spectrum disorder (ASD), is gradually improving. On the other hand, few people recognize social anxiety disorder (SAD), which onsets during youth. SAD and ASD share various overlapping characteristics, but have…[Read more]

  • Adkins Vaughn posted an update 4 days ago

    ted cohort, the combination of SRS and checkpoint inhibitors in the management of cerebral metastasized melanoma was safe and effective. Compared to historic data on SRS only, the observed CRN rate was acceptable. To gain resilient data on the incidence of CRN after combined treatment schemes, prospective trials are needed.In discovery of HDAC…[Read more]

  • Adkins Vaughn posted an update 5 days ago

    The false-claimed non-addictive formulation of oxycodone, OxyContin, further contributed to the opioid crisis. Abuse was often carried out by crushing the pills for immediate burst release, typically by nasal insufflation, or by liquefying the pills for intravenous injection. Here, we review oxycodone pharmacology and abuse liability as well as…[Read more]

  • Adkins Vaughn posted an update 6 days ago

    4 ± 2.5 mmHg for DBP.

    The Novacor Diasys 3 (model number DIS-0001-00), when used with the recommended cuffs, can be recommended for ambulatory blood pressure measurement in the adult population.

    The Novacor Diasys 3 (model number DIS-0001-00), when used with the recommended cuffs, can be recommended for ambulatory blood pressure…[Read more]

  • Adkins Vaughn posted an update 7 days ago

    The results showed that five clusters (Clusters 2, 3, 7, 8, and 9) could categorize >85% of breast tumors collectively. Notably, Cluster 2 (luminal epithelial) and Cluster 3 (fibroblast) tumors were equally prevalent in the luminal breast cancer subtypes, whereas Cluster 7 (basal epithelial) and Cluster 9 (other epithelial) tumors were present…[Read more]

  • Adkins Vaughn posted an update 8 days ago

    Moreover, analyses in murine models with ES tumor orthotopic implantation and experimental metastasis, as well as in human ES samples, demonstrate the associations among HDGF, ALCAM, and GTPases expression levels. Furthermore, high HDGF/low ALCAM expression define a subgroup of patients harboring the worst MFS. These findings suggest that the…[Read more]

  • Adkins Vaughn posted an update 11 days ago

    ional, interactive, and critical HL in the community to promote health outcomes.Choice of articulating materials, head size and the design of the articulation will become decisive for the long-term performance of a total hip arthroplasty (THA) and especially in terms of risk for dislocation and wear-related problems. Here we account for common…[Read more]

  • Adkins Vaughn posted an update 11 days ago

    ional, interactive, and critical HL in the community to promote health outcomes.Choice of articulating materials, head size and the design of the articulation will become decisive for the long-term performance of a total hip arthroplasty (THA) and especially in terms of risk for dislocation and wear-related problems. Here we account for common…[Read more]

  • Adkins Vaughn posted an update 12 days ago

    Placentitis was also associated with aberrant expression of several placenta-regulatory genes, such as PLAC8, PAPPA, LGALS1, ABCG2, GCM1, and TEPP, which could negatively affect placental functions. In conclusion, our findings revealed for the first time the key regulators and mechanisms underlying placental inflammation, separation, and…[Read more]

  • Adkins Vaughn became a registered member 12 days ago

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