Enemark Bray posted an update 1 day, 20 hours ago
Tucatinib concentration of data available on MDT concerns retrospective trials, although three prospective randomized trials (STOMP, ORIOLE and POPSTAR) have assessed the safety and feasibility of MDT. Overall, it appears that MDT delays significantly PCa progression and time to systemic therapy. CONCLUSIONS MDT is highly appealing given its…[Read more]
Enemark Bray posted an update 2 days, 19 hours ago
1%-34.5% of the annual growth of the cod. The present study documents the omnivorous feeding mode of Atlantic cod but highlights the utilization and importance of ephemeral prey bursts for the annual energy budget of the cod. It is hypothesized that access to capelin is critical for the postspawning recovery of Godthaabsfjord cod.aging is an…[Read more]