Bengtsson Hackett posted an update 21 hours, 11 minutes ago
Both SO4⦁- and ⦁OH radicals are responsible for reactions, and the contribution of SO4⦁- is decreased at higher pH conditions. The findings of this work provide insight into the stoichiometric efficiency and the reaction center of Fe/Cu catalysts to activate PS for pollutant removals.A porous β-cyclodextrin modified cellulose nano-fiber membra…[Read more]
Bengtsson Hackett posted an update 1 day, 20 hours ago
Based on the trend reported here, the development of customised, early on interventions for children and adolescents at risk of PSU is warranted.
More research is needed regarding PSU and the outcome variables in children and adolescents. Also, a distinct and consistent theoretical conceptualisation of PSU is required to replicate findings, and…[Read more]