Christian Keating posted an update 3 days ago
Challenges are in line with the risk-taking practices frequent in child and youth culture. However, online challenges take on new meanings when mediated by digital sociability. To analyze this phenomenon, 122 challenge videos in Portuguese that had been made by Brazilian children or adolescents were recovered from the YouTube platform, of which 35…[Read more]
Christian Keating posted an update 4 days ago
Bilirubin is a potent antioxidant and higher serum bilirubin levels have been associated with improved COPD outcomes. We performed a systematic review to evaluate the association between serum bilirubin levels and lung function (FEV
), prevalence/incidence of COPD, acute exacerbations of COPD, respiratory health status, and mortality.…[Read more]
Christian Keating posted an update 4 days ago
In Alzheimer’s disease (AD), several studies have reported blood-brain barrier (BBB) breakdown with compromised function. P-glycoprotein (P-gp) and breast cancer resistance protein (BCRP) are transport proteins localized at the BBB luminal membrane and play an important role in the clearance of amyloid-β (Aβ). The purpose of this study was to i…[Read more]
Christian Keating posted an update 5 days ago
Pre-term spastic diplegia (pSD) due to periventricular leukomalacia is a form of cerebral palsy in which weaknesses in executive functions are reported beyond the core visuo-spatial deficits. The study aimed at improving executive functioning and visuo-spatial skills with an evidence-based training focused on working memory in children with pSD.…[Read more]
Christian Keating posted an update 6 days ago
The diaries also focussed on the peer workers’ ability to connect and establish trust by sharing similar experiences with residents or family members. Peer workers also believed that they brought a different perspective than clinical staff and were able to refocus attention from clinical diagnoses and symptoms to other aspects of the resident’s…[Read more]
Christian Keating posted an update 7 days ago
Existing buildings, especially historical buildings, require periodic or situational diagnostic tests. If a building is in use, advanced non-destructive or semi-destructive methods should be used. In the diagnosis of reinforced concrete structures, tests allowing to assess the condition of the reinforcement and concrete cover are particularly…[Read more]
Christian Keating posted an update 8 days ago
We reported the temporal dynamics and characteristics of the COVID-19 pandemic in Sapporo city, Japan. This survey from the viewpoint of the hospital provides a new insight into and a better guide for the further management of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Neutrophil elastase is a significant risk factor for structural lung disease in cystic…[Read more]
Christian Keating posted an update 10 days ago
Specificities were similar for the prediction of DMI (TVUS 87% (95%CI 78-93) and MRI 90% (95%CI 82-95)) and equal for CSI (96% (95%CI 90-99). The agreement index between TVUS and MRI was 0,84 (CI95%,0,76-0,90) for the DMI and 0,92 (CI95%, 0,85-0,96) for CSI.
The diagnostic performance of TVUS is not inferior to MRI for the prediction of…[Read more]
Christian Keating posted an update 10 days ago
Specificities were similar for the prediction of DMI (TVUS 87% (95%CI 78-93) and MRI 90% (95%CI 82-95)) and equal for CSI (96% (95%CI 90-99). The agreement index between TVUS and MRI was 0,84 (CI95%,0,76-0,90) for the DMI and 0,92 (CI95%, 0,85-0,96) for CSI.
The diagnostic performance of TVUS is not inferior to MRI for the prediction of…[Read more]
Christian Keating posted an update 11 days ago
rrier to both cilia-targeted vesicle transport and to the membrane remodeling required for ciliogenesis. In contrast, actin may cause cilia loss by localizing disassembly factors at the ciliary base, and F-actin branching may itself activate the YAP/TAZ pathway to promote cilia disassembly. The fundamental role of actin polymerization in the…[Read more]