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  • Bullard Marquez posted an update 18 hours ago

    Two-stage laparoscopic hepatectomy associating selective hepatic artery ligation and liver partial partition for HB in infants has the benefits of small invasiveness, fast recovery, improved safety, and high feasibility. However, more cases and longer follow-up are needed to assess its long-term efficacy.

    Two-stage laparoscopic hepatectomy…[Read more]

  • Bullard Marquez posted an update 2 days ago

    In this review, we summarized findings describing the mechanisms of Bcl-xL regulation, and the role that Bcl-xL plays in melanoma pathobiology and response to therapy. From these findings, it emerged that even if Bcl-xL plays a crucial role in melanoma pathobiology, we need further studies aimed at evaluating the involvement of Bcl-xL and other…[Read more]

  • Bullard Marquez posted an update 2 days ago

    In this review, we summarized findings describing the mechanisms of Bcl-xL regulation, and the role that Bcl-xL plays in melanoma pathobiology and response to therapy. From these findings, it emerged that even if Bcl-xL plays a crucial role in melanoma pathobiology, we need further studies aimed at evaluating the involvement of Bcl-xL and other…[Read more]

  • Bullard Marquez posted an update 3 days ago


    Preoperative pressure pain threshold, pressure pain tolerance, and anxiety level had no significant effects on postoperative pain and analgesic requirements in impacted lower third molar surgery.

    Preoperative pressure pain threshold, pressure pain tolerance, and anxiety level had no significant effects on postoperative pain and…[Read more]

  • Bullard Marquez posted an update 4 days ago

    The objective was to assess the effectiveness of a comprehensive artificial insemination (AI) training program designed to facilitate an understanding of the breadth of the AI process, including AI skill acquisition, for preclinical veterinary students. Participants (n = 303) were enrolled at the Ross University School of Veterinary Medicine…[Read more]

  • Bullard Marquez posted an update 5 days ago

    tion(s) evaluated. Although findings slightly favor non-medical interventions, the variability in study design and quality/bias requires more rigorous follow-up research. Recommendations from this review may guide future implementation and intervention development, which are critically needed to improve post-detoxification care and outcomes for…[Read more]

  • Bullard Marquez posted an update 6 days ago

    Due to the anti-inflammatory function of PPAR-γ, identifying the relation between PPAR-γ, sarcoidosis development, and inflammatory state could be essential to identify the appropriate therapeutic targets. The synthesis of PPAR-γ agonists or PPAR-γ ligands may be an effective step toward the treatment of sarcoidosis patients in the fut…[Read more]

  • Bullard Marquez posted an update 7 days ago

    Optimism is known to buffer against negative mood. Thus, understanding the factors that contribute to individual variation in optimism may inform interventions for mood disorders. Preliminary evidence suggests that the generation of mental imagery-based representations of positive relative to negative future scenarios is related to optimism. This…[Read more]

  • Bullard Marquez posted an update 8 days ago

    Fluorene-9-bisphenol (BHPF) is a bisphenol A substitute, which has been introduced for the production of so-called ‘bisphenol A (BPA)-free’ plastics. However, it has been reported that BHPF can enter living organisms through using commercial plastic bottles and cause adverse effects. To date, the majority of the toxicologic study of BHPF focused…[Read more]

  • Bullard Marquez became a registered member 8 days ago

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