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  • Kjeldgaard Conway posted an update 25 days ago

    9731, P = 0.011). A specificity experiment showed that this biosensor could effectively distinguish S. aureus (1 × 104 CFU/ml and above) from other common pathogenic (non-S. aureus) bacteria in nosocomial infections, such as Klebsiella pneumoniae, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Acinetobacter baumannii and Escherichia coli. Additionally, the whole…[Read more]

  • Kjeldgaard Conway posted an update a month ago

    A full-fledged neural network modeling, based on a Multi-layered Nonlinear Autoregressive Exogenous Neural Network (NARX) architecture, is proposed for quasi-static and dynamic hysteresis loops, one of the most challenging topics for computational magnetism. This modeling approach overcomes drawbacks in attaining better than percent-level accuracy…[Read more]

  • Kjeldgaard Conway posted an update a month ago

    This study aimed to assess whether self-reported productivity despite presenteeism may be affected by biomarkers and hormones and how these physiological indicators can interact with each other to explain the presenteeism dimensions.

    This pilot study included 180 healthy participants with a mean age of 41.22 years (SD = 13.58), 76.11% of…[Read more]

  • Kjeldgaard Conway posted an update a month ago

    6% increase after the control treatment (difference in changes between the treatments, p<0.001). Fasting or postprandial glucose, insulin or GLP-2levels were not changed.

    Our findings do not support that ITF improve incretin responses or glucose regulations in this population. (NCT02569684).

    Our findings do not…[Read more]

  • Kjeldgaard Conway posted an update a month ago

    Consistent with the objectives, the measures are related to the feasibility outcomes for the main aim of the study (participant adherence, expectations and satisfaction with the treatment, preferences, alliance and utility) and psychological and mental health outcomes for secondary analyses (symptoms of grief, symptoms of depression, symptoms of…[Read more]

  • Kjeldgaard Conway posted an update a month ago

    We conducted a simulation study to estimate TRAP exposure misclassification as the result of regional WFS. Our results suggest that linear health effect estimates were biased away from the null when WFS was present. Thus, exposure assessments relying on BC as a proxy for TRAP may be biased by wildfire events. Alternative metrics that account for…[Read more]

  • Kjeldgaard Conway posted an update a month ago

    We hypothesized that the highly controlled pattern of gene expression that is essential for liver regeneration is encoded by an epigenetic code set in quiescent hepatocytes. Here we report that epigenetic and transcriptomic profiling of quiescent and regenerating mouse livers define chromatin states that dictate gene expression and transposon…[Read more]

  • Kjeldgaard Conway posted an update a month ago

    The maxillofacial phantom designed for dental imaging and dosimetry constructed using 3D printing, polyurethane rubbers and epoxy resins represented a patient anatomically and radiographically. The results of the designed phantom, materials and assembly process can be applied to generate different phantoms that better represent diverse patient…[Read more]

  • Kjeldgaard Conway posted an update a month ago

    The maxillofacial phantom designed for dental imaging and dosimetry constructed using 3D printing, polyurethane rubbers and epoxy resins represented a patient anatomically and radiographically. The results of the designed phantom, materials and assembly process can be applied to generate different phantoms that better represent diverse patient…[Read more]

  • Kjeldgaard Conway became a registered member a month ago

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