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  • Ludvigsen Frank posted an update 25 days ago

    Background Cold-stored platelets are an attractive option for treatment of actively bleeding patients due to a reduced risk of septic complications and preserved hemostatic function compared to conventional room temperature-stored platelets. However, refrigeration causes increased platelet activation and aggregate formation. Specialized…[Read more]

  • Ludvigsen Frank posted an update a month ago

    and sample donors to obtain accurate and detailed biobank availability queries.Background The benefits of hospice for patients with advanced cancer are well established. Short hospice length of service (LOS) is a marker of poor quality care and patient and family dissatisfaction. Interventions based on behavioral science might reduce suboptimal…[Read more]

  • Ludvigsen Frank posted an update a month ago

    quent scan (P= .14 for each).

    Antibiotic treatment of amniotic fluid sludge is not associated with a reduction in premature birth. Likewise, antibiotic treatment of amniotic fluid sludge was not associated with improvement in other obstetric, neonatal, or pathologic variables. These findings suggest that the presumed infectious nature of…[Read more]

  • Ludvigsen Frank posted an update a month ago

    The TNF-α rs1800629 polymorphism was also associated with increased DP risk in Asians under the fixed-effects model, but not in the recessive comparison.

    The meta-analysis suggested that TNF-α rs1800629 polymorphism might affect the risk of CP and DP, particularly in individuals of Asian descent.

    The meta-analysis suggested that T…[Read more]

  • Ludvigsen Frank posted an update a month ago

    The diagnosis of the multiple schwannomas with pseudoglandular element was made by histopathology after surgery. At the 15-mo follow-up visit, the patient had no sign of recurrence or development of other peripheral nerve tumors.

    Although rare, multiple schwannomas with pseudoglandular element do exist in patients presenting with masses…[Read more]

  • Ludvigsen Frank posted an update a month ago

    Lanthanum is a rare-earth element that has been used in various fields including medicine, agriculture and industry. Previously, in utero lanthanum exposure to dams was shown to alter neurobehavior and neurotransmitter levels in rat offspring; however, the effects of postweaning exposure to lanthanum on neurological behavior is still limited. The…[Read more]

  • Ludvigsen Frank became a registered member a month ago

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