Freeman Berntsen posted an update 1 minute ago
The impact of surgical training can extend beyond trainees and can affect the wellness of their support persons who endure the effects of training alongside trainees. Programs should be aware of these effects and develop meaningful strategies to aid trainees and their support persons.
The impact of surgical training can extend beyond trainees…[Read more]
Freeman Berntsen posted an update 23 hours, 40 minutes ago
Introduction Immunotherapy-related hepatitis accounts for 3-6% of all immune-related adverse events (irAE). Reintroduction of checkpoint inhibitors after irAE is matter of debate, weighing the risk of a relapse of adverse events against the possibility of improving disease control. Pharmacokinetic modelling has changed the paradigm of weight-based…[Read more]
Freeman Berntsen posted an update 1 day, 23 hours ago
Prednisone is safe if used at low-medium doses (2,5 – 10 mg/die). check details General outcomes of pregnancy in patients with pericarditis are good when the mothers are followed by a multidisciplinary team with experience in the field.
Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is an incurable neurodegenerative disease affecting upper and lower…[Read more]
Freeman Berntsen posted an update 2 days, 14 hours ago
When administering 20 mg/kg with a time interval of 96 h, the AUC0-96h/MIC values were consistently >173.03 h and the %T > MIC values were above 99.47% in plasma and all tissues. These results suggest that administration of DC at 20 mg/kg every 96 h is a preferable regimen in yellow catfish.As telework and mobile work arrangements become more…[Read more]