Vester Bender posted an update 2 days ago
6) = -2.4, P = 0.04). On average, 8% (SD = 5.8) of the children’s day was spent in electronic sound, which was primarily produced by mobile devices (39.7%). Discussion While CI scene classification software reflects children’s natural auditory environments, it is important to consider how different scenes are defined when interpreting results. An…[Read more]
Vester Bender posted an update 4 days ago
Talitrids are a highly diverse group of amphipod crustaceans that have colonized various terrestrial habitats. Three genera have successfully adapted to cave habitats on islands in the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans. However, the evolutionary origin of the Pacific troglobitic talitrids has remained unknown. We estimate the phylogenetic position of…[Read more]
Vester Bender posted an update 5 days ago
The DNA damage response (DDR) is orchestrated by three apical signalling kinases ATM, ATR and DNA-PKcs. Despite their central roles, structural and biochemical understanding has remained limited, mainly due to their large size. Recent advances in cryo-electron microscopy allowed for the structural analysis of these kinases, revealing their overall…[Read more]
Vester Bender posted an update 6 days ago
Appropriate development of the intestinal microbiota during infancy is known to be important for human health. In fact, aberrant alterations of the microbial composition during childhood may cause short- and/or long-term negative health effects. Many factors influence the initial assembly and subsequent progression of the gut microbiota of a…[Read more]
Vester Bender posted an update 7 days ago
A historical cohort study OBJECTIVES The aim of the study was to examine the incidence of and predictive factors for VUR in individuals with suprasacral spinal cord injury (SCI).
Srinagarind Hospital, Khon Kaen University, Thailand METHODS Medical records were reviewed for all individuals with SCI and neurogenic bladder admitted for…[Read more]
Vester Bender posted an update 8 days ago
However, spiders of prime predation relevance seem to be those of the Ctenidae and Theraphosidae families.Global biodiversity declines, largely driven by climate and land-use changes, urge the development of transparent guidelines for effective conservation strategies. Species distribution modeling (SDM) is a widely used approach for predicting…[Read more]
Vester Bender posted an update 9 days ago
Circulating gonadal hormones have been linked to variation in the structure and function of the adult human brain, raising the question of how cognition is affected by sex hormones in adulthood. The impacts of progestogens and estrogens are of special interest due to the widespread use of hormone supplementation. Multiple studies have analyzed…[Read more]
Vester Bender posted an update 10 days ago
timate based on the selected study. However, considering the lack of literature information and the relevance of the topic, we decided to proceed and propose a practice guideline for an oral diet protocol for acute intestinal GVHD as a reference to be a starting point to validate protocols in future clinical trials. Nirogacestat 2 Practice…[Read more]
Vester Bender posted an update 11 days ago
Psychotropic drugs are frequently prescribed to people with dementia in nursing homes although severe adverse events and side effects are common. Less is known about the prevalence and types of psychotropic drug prescription in primary care for people with dementia.
This study examined the prevalence of psychotropic drug prescriptions in…[Read more]
Vester Bender posted an update 13 days ago
RI) was less common for the care of these children, particularly CT examination of the chest and for children without MIS-C.
In our study, most pediatric patients with COVID-19 did not require hospital admission or imaging. Most children with imaging had comorbidities but children with MIS-C were more likely to have no comorbidities. Children…[Read more]