Cormier Tucker posted an update 15 hours, 18 minutes ago
A barrier in the children’s environmental health field has been the lack of early-warning systems to identify risks of childhood illness and developmental disorders. We aimed to develop a methodology to identify an accessible biomarker measured in a small amount of blood to distinguish newborns at elevated risk from a toxic prenatal exposure,…[Read more]
Cormier Tucker posted an update 1 day, 1 hour ago
AI/AN clients were also more likely to exhibit greater prescription opioid use and methamphetamine co-use relative to other groups. AI/AN clients in the South (aOR0.23[95 %CI 0.19-0.28] or referred by criminal justice sources (aOR0.13[95 %CI 0.11-0.16] were least likely to receive MOUD.
We conclude that most AI/ANs in specialty treatment…[Read more]