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  • Markussen Graves posted an update 2 days ago

    Since COVID-19 may never disappear completely, we would like to recommend that international anatomical societies collectively reach out to statutory bodies to devise a standardized method of teaching anatomy, employing readily available cost-effective resources, in the face of pandemics. However, if anatomy as a discipline has survived a…[Read more]

  • Markussen Graves posted an update 4 days ago

    Based on this extensive review of RCTs we suggest that probiotics are a rational complementary treatment for RTI diseases and a viable option to support faster recovery.

    To evaluate the role of eggs and other food vehicles as risk factors associated with Salmonella enteritidis (SE) outbreaks in order to address the endemicity of SE infections…[Read more]

  • Markussen Graves posted an update 5 days ago

    Our purpose in this study is to evaluate the clinical feasibility of deep-learning techniques for F-18 florbetaben (FBB) positron emission tomography (PET) image reconstruction using data acquired in a short time. We reconstructed raw FBB PET data of 294 patients acquired for 20 and 2 min into standard-time scanning PET (PET20m) and short-time…[Read more]

  • Markussen Graves posted an update 6 days ago

    Congenital defects of phagocyte function, followed by combined/cellular defects are the commonest primary immune deficiencies (PIDs) identified in southern India. Long lag time in diagnosis and high mortality in our cohort emphasizes the need for early diagnosis and early referral.

    Congenital defects of phagocyte function, followed by…[Read more]

  • Markussen Graves posted an update 7 days ago

    n pathologic findings after primary endoscopic submucosal dissection.The widespread use of the herbicide, propanil, causes severe environmental problems. In this study, the effects of propanil on the bacterial community in a sediment slurry were determined. Moreover, the degradation of the herbicide by pure and mixed cultures was first conducted…[Read more]

  • Markussen Graves posted an update 8 days ago

    There are multiple barriers, which influence these reporting practices. Improved reporting systems are needed to affect a change in the current environment.

    There are low levels of formal AE reporting, especially amongst doctors, within Johannesburg Academic EM Departments despite large numbers of AEs experienced. There are multiple barriers,…[Read more]

  • Markussen Graves posted an update 9 days ago

    67; 95% confidence interval (CI), 1.11 to 3.07), preoperative stay (OR, 1.13; 95% CI, 1.04 to 1.23), heart disease (OR, 2.88; 95% CI, 1.24 to 6.71), diabetes mellitus (OR, 3.28; 95% CI, 1.66 to 6.47) and renal insufficiency (OR, 4.23; 95% CI, 1.26 to 10.21), prolonged prophylactic antibiotics use (OR, 4.43; 95% CI, 2.30 to 8.54), and the reduced…[Read more]

  • Markussen Graves posted an update 10 days ago

    Break-off of part of the down-going plate during continental collision occurs due to tensile stresses built-up between the deep and shallow slab, for which buoyancy is increased because of continental-crust subduction. Break-off governs the subsequent orogenic evolution but real-time observations are rare as it happens over geologically short…[Read more]

  • Markussen Graves became a registered member 10 days ago

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