Johannessen Crowley posted an update 2 days, 5 hours ago
ZRANB2-dependent splicing of TRA2B mRNA, a known ZRANB2 target, was monitored by RT-PCR. As3+ bound to, as well as displaced Zn2+ from, each zfm. Also, Zn2+ displaced As3+ from As3+-bound zfms acutely, albeit transiently. As3+ exposure induced ZRANB2 protein expression between 3-24 h and at all exposures tested, but not ZRANB2 mRNA expression.…[Read more]
Johannessen Crowley posted an update 2 days, 11 hours ago
05). However, there are significant differences in the disease progression between the different blood types. There was a significant difference in the progression of disease between type A and type O. Among them, patients with ONFH and type A blood had the fastest progression with an average of 2.318 years, and the slowest progression was found i…[Read more]