Vedel Travis posted an update 2 hours, 35 minutes ago
We use high resolution satellite data on the proportion of buildings in a 250×250 meter cell to study the evolution of human settlement in Ghana over a 40 year period. We find a strong increase in built-up area over time, mostly concentrated in the vicinity of roads, and also directly on the coast. We find strong evidence of agglomeration effects…[Read more]
Vedel Travis posted an update 1 day, 2 hours ago
We have used the four core genotypes (FCG) mouse model, which allows a distinction between effects of gonadal secretions and chromosomal complement, to determine when sex differences in the immune system first appear and what influences their development. Using splenic T cell number as a measure that could be applied to neonates with as yet…[Read more]
Vedel Travis posted an update 2 days, 2 hours ago
g., a TV series, a picture, a text, or even a city) that engages us. Both the plurality of habits and the dynamical adjustments within a habit require a more flexible neural architecture than is addressed by classical cognitive neuroscience. To detail how neural and media processes interlock, I will introduce the concept of neuromediality and…[Read more]
Vedel Travis posted an update 2 days, 14 hours ago
Propylthiouracil is preferred to MMI during the first trimester of pregnancy. TX is best performed by a high-volume thyroid surgeon. RAI should be avoided in GD patients with active GO, especially in smokers. Recently, a promising therapy with an anti-insulin-like growth factor-1 monoclonal antibody for patients with active/severe GO was approved…[Read more]