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  • Ryberg Gylling posted an update 2 months, 3 weeks ago

    The development of perforations or fistulas in the Gastrointestinal (GI) tract or genitourinary (GU) system is a serious adverse effect of bevacizumab. The aim of this study was to investigate the incidences of these GI/GU events as well as their association with previous radiotherapy (RT) in Japanese women with cervical cancer.

    We conducted a written questionnaire survey among 14 gynecological institutions belonging to the Oncology Research Committee of the Obstetrical and Gynecological Society of Kinki District, Japan. The severity of GI/GU events was classified according to the National Cancer Institute’s Common Terminology Criteria for Adverse Events version 5.0. All data were extracted from survey responses and maintained in an Excel spreadsheet and summarized using descriptive statistics.

    The information of 224 Japanese women with cervical cancer (152 recurrent and 72 advanced) who were treated with bevacizumab-containing chemotherapy was collected from 14 institutions. Of these, 65% had been previously treated with RT. GI/GU events of any grade developed in 25 (11.2%) patients, leading directly to death in 3 (1.3%) patients. When compared, the incidence of GI/GU events was higher in recurrent disease patients than in advanced disease patients (13.8% vs 5.6%, p = 0.0728). When examined according to the history of RT, the incidence of GI/GU events was greater in patients with a history of RT than in those without (14.5% vs 5.1%, p = 0.044).

    More than 10% of patients experience GI/GU events during or after receiving bevacizumab-containing chemotherapies. Prior RT is a risk factor for bevacizumab-associated GI/GU events.

    More than 10% of patients experience GI/GU events during or after receiving bevacizumab-containing chemotherapies. Prior RT is a risk factor for bevacizumab-associated GI/GU events.Disclosure of HIV and other sexually transmitted infection (HIV/STI) testing history to sexual partners is low among gay, bisexual, and other U.S. sexual minority men (SMM). Patient portals (PP) could increase HIV/STI testing history disclosure. This study estimated the predictive validity of the Enhancing Dyadic Communication (EDC) latent construct for perceived behavioral intentions to use PP for HIV/STI test disclosures. A randomized subset of SMM completed the Patient Portal Sexual Health Instrument as part of the 2018 American Men’s Internet Survey. Multivariable logistic regression models estimated associations between EDC and intentions to use PP for test disclosures. selleck inhibitor Among a sample of 1,509 SMM aged 15 to 77 years, EDC was associated with intentions to use PP to disclose test history with main partners (aOR 2.17; 95% CI 1.90 to 2.47) and non-main partners (aOR 2.39; 95%CI 2.07 to 2.76). Assessing EDC could be useful in clinical settings for interventions encouraging patients to communicate with partners about testing.The goal of this study was to develop and evaluate psychometric properties of the PrEP Sexual Expectancies Scale (PSEXS). The PSEXS represents a range of expectations for how PrEP use will affect one’s sexual experience. The scale was developed to understand perceived reinforcements of PrEP use among men who have sex with men (MSM), including sexual risk-taking. The study builds upon Expectancy Theory to develop a measure of sex-related PrEP expectancies with a representative sample of 1155 MSM participants from Ukraine and 408 MSM participants from the U.S. Expectancy items represented two domains increased sexual risk-taking and enhancement of sexual experience. Confirmatory analyses showed that a two-factor model provided a good fit to the data. The PSEXS scale had a high internal reliability in both samples (Ukraine α = 0.88, U.S. α = 0.83), and the identified factor structure explains a large amount of variance in both samples. Recent studies suggest that expectations of intimacy and better sexual experience can be a significant deciding factor for PrEP uptake. The PSEXS provides researchers with a useful measure for examining MSM’s expectancy beliefs about the impact of PrEP use on their sexual life.Methamphetamine (meth) use among men who have sex with men (MSM) has been documented to be associated with HIV transmission among those who are HIV-negative and worsening HIV outcomes among those who are HIV-positive. Recent media reports have suggested recent increases in meth use in New York City (NYC), particularly among Hispanic/Latino and Black MSM. Using serial cross-sectional data from 2004 to 2017, we aim to describe trends in meth use and describe racial/ethnic patterns among MSM in NYC. Overall, we observed a decrease in meth use among MSM from 2004 to 2011 and an increase from 2011 to 2017. When stratified by race/ethnicity, use among White MSM decreased. Beginning in 2008, use among both Hispanic/Latino and Black MSM increased over time. These data provide more evidence that meth use may be increasing in Hispanic/Latino and Black MSM. Culturally-tailored and status-neutral interventions should be explored.It is known that younger patients treated with antipsychotics are at increased risk of metabolic events; however, it is unknown how this risk varies according to ethnicity, the class of antipsychotic and the specific product used, and by age group. We conducted a multinational sequence symmetry study in Asian populations (Hong Kong, Japan, Korea, Taiwan and Thailand) and non-Asian populations (Australia and Denmark) to evaluate the metabolic events associated with antipsychotics in both Asian and non-Asian populations, for typical and atypical antipsychotics, and by the subgroups of children and adolescents, and young adults. Patients aged 6-30 years newly initiating oral antipsychotic drugs were included. We defined a composite outcome for metabolic events which included dyslipidemia, hypertension and hyperglycemia. We calculated the sequence ratio (SR) by dividing the number of people for whom a medicine for one of the outcome events was initiated within a 12-month period after antipsychotic initiation by the number before antipsychotic initiation. This study included 346,904 antipsychotic initiators across seven countries. Antipsychotic use was associated with an increased risk of composite metabolic events with a pooled adjusted SR (ASR) of 1.22 (95% CI 1.00-1.50). Pooled ASRs were similar between Asian (ASR, 1.22; 95% CI 0.88-1.70) and non-Asian populations (ASR, 1.22; 95% CI 1.04-1.43). The pooled ASR for typical and atypical antipsychotics was 0.98 (95% CI 0.85-1.12) and 1.24 (95% CI 0.97-1.59), respectively. No difference was observed in the relative effect in children and adolescents compared to young adults. The risk of metabolic events associated with antipsychotics use was similar in magnitude in Asian and non-Asian populations despite the marked difference in drug utilization patterns.

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